View Full Version : Whos the lizard king?

02-23-04, 05:18 PM
Who has the most lizards on ssnakess...i know i cant win with my mesely 7 but lets see who has the most :)

(yea im really bored if you were wondering)

02-23-04, 05:26 PM
Could be a lizard Queen...:P

02-23-04, 07:22 PM
oops sorry :D

02-23-04, 07:23 PM
So I guess it's not lizard king, now is it?:D BTW, Bartman, what lizards do you have?

02-23-04, 07:27 PM
Savannah monitor, 2 leopard geckos, 2 mali uromastyx

02-23-04, 08:34 PM
i have 3. will that put me in the race? lol

02-23-04, 10:14 PM
Bartman, that makes 5. What are the other two lizards?

P.S. How's the sav doing?

02-23-04, 10:32 PM
ten times better then before...looks great now...

yea just realized im an complete moron lol...i counted all my animals by accident
my ball and russian tort :)

02-23-04, 10:49 PM
I have 12 lizards.

7 leo's
4 dragons
1 iguana

02-23-04, 11:06 PM
14 leos
2 uros
6 cresteds
1 leachianus
2 grandis day gecko
2 helmeted geckos
2 iguannas

so I guess thats a total of 29 ... 30 if you include my tort ..but you were looking for just lizards

02-23-04, 11:08 PM
29, we have a leader :)

02-23-04, 11:15 PM
I have 3, lol. 2 cwds and 1 iggy

02-23-04, 11:17 PM
whats that stand for? chinese water dragon??

02-24-04, 07:40 AM
I'll play too. I haven't done a tally for a while, it would be nice to know what I have ;)

Um, looks like a grand total of around 68 lizards, assuming I'm not forgetting anyone. Add another 50-60 if you want to count eggs too ;)

- Fat Tails
- African Clawed Geckos
- Ornate Uromastyx
- Persian Uromastyx
- Monkey Tailed Skinks
- Storr's Monitors
- Red Spiny Tailed Monitors
- Freckled Monitors

02-24-04, 09:15 AM
Count this morning is
58 adult geckos
16 sub-adult geckos
6 juvies
1 24 hour old baby
31 legless geckos (eggs :) )
1 cham
** (plus 23 dart frogs and 1 snake - don't count as lizards, but what the heck)

02-24-04, 04:16 PM
Maybe i shoulda asked who has the most species of lizards :) Breeders kill in this catagory!

02-24-04, 04:39 PM
i just have 5 leopard geckos :( Hoping to expand my collection. I have two eggs :)

02-24-04, 05:13 PM
Just because you have lots shouldn't make you the king because someone with money could go buy every kind of lizard not take care of them but you call them the king I think if you have one lizard and take good care of him your the king.
"Quality not quantity"

02-24-04, 05:26 PM
I've got 6, a crestie 2 leopards, 1 green anole, 1 flying gecko, and 1 skunk gecko.... and hopefully a couple more cresties in the near future

02-24-04, 05:30 PM
6 leos, 2 beardies, 1 cham, more will be on the way as soon as i get some eggs.

02-24-04, 05:37 PM
One female Black throat, two day geckos, seven leos ten if you include the eggs on wednesday, and one male iguana

I guess that puts me at eleven

Skink Keeper
02-28-04, 12:08 AM
i have 6 blue tongue skinks, 5 monkey-tail skinks, 8 bearded dragons, 2 crested geckos, 6 leopard geckos, 1 tiger salamander, 1 mali uro, 1 nigerian uro, so i'm at 30

02-28-04, 12:09 AM
i got 1 eastern collared, what do i win??:p

02-28-04, 12:59 AM
I've got 2 leopard geckos, 2 day geckos and 1 crested gecko. Cerainly not the most but wanted to play anyway :p

02-28-04, 01:00 AM
Reptiles: 1 Red Eared Slider, 1 False Map Turtle, 1 Red Footed Tortoise, 1 Eastern Box Turtle, 2 Veiled Chameleons, 1 Panter Chameleon, 2 Bearded Chameleons, 4 Hermit Crabs, 1 Rainbow Boa, 1 Hogg Island Boa, 1 Albino Kingsnake, 1 Frilled Dragon, 1 Leaf Tail Gecko, 3 Leopard Geckos

Non Reptiles: 2 Guinnes Pigs, 1 cat, 6 Goldfish

I think that's it

02-28-04, 11:59 AM
some nice collections here, shouldn't larger animals count as more? :)

5 sub adult-adult albigularus (white & blackthroat monitors)
3 sub adult-adult savannah monitors
3 adult frilled dragons
3 adult bearded dragons
6 adult yellow ridgetail monitors

02-28-04, 05:35 PM
5 leopard geckos, 1 crested gecko, 1 toy chameleon

02-29-04, 11:19 AM
One veiled chameleon, 2 large iguanas.............

If the bigger the animals counts, one iguana is 4 feet and the other is 4 and a half feet......lol..........

02-29-04, 11:25 AM
We have 3 crested geckos, 6 fat tails, 17 leopard geckos, 2 uromastix, 2 bearded dragons,

02-29-04, 12:02 PM
out of my 12 herps i only have 3 lizards:
savannah monitor
chinese water dragon
mali uro
=P not too many but i have enough animals right now

03-01-04, 08:45 PM
1.3 Blue Tongue Skinks
1.0 Velvet geckos (Oedura monilis)
1.1 White Line Geckos
1.0 Golden Gecko
1.0 Gehyra Vorax

And about 12 eggs incubating from leopard geckos, white lined geckos and golden geckos.

03-01-04, 09:23 PM
nice gecko collection!!

03-03-04, 09:08 AM
I do have a question, who has the most PET lizards, Not breeders. So if you breed, but some of your breeders are pets count those.

And for the breeders, do you still have PET herps, that you just sit back and enjoy, you don't breed them, or intend to breed them, you don't want to trade them, you just enjoy them.

03-05-04, 07:10 AM
I've never really thought about drawing a line between pet and breeder........
For my personal opinion, I don't think reptiles are pets anyway. Dogs and cats are pets, but for the purpose of this reply I will use "pet" in the same sense.
Why can't "pets" be breeders? That's actually how my interest in breeding started, and I truly enjoy all of the animals that I keep, that is why I keep them.

Best wishes,


03-05-04, 10:23 AM
but some breeders do trades and things like that. That is what I mean, which of your snakes do you not breed, not trade, just sit back and like to look at without worring about putting it into cooling time, and worring if it is the right weight to breed.

03-05-04, 10:48 AM
Wow those are alot lizards!

I plan on getting a beardie or leo gecko soon haha

03-05-04, 04:29 PM
I agree niagra, i cant put a line between breeders and pets...like i said maybe i shoulda asked who has the most species of lizards...

03-05-04, 04:33 PM
i dont know about lizards but id say either Invictus or TheRedDragon have the most herps on their hands lol.

03-05-04, 04:38 PM
just ignore that post ^^ :rolleyes:

03-06-04, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by sapphire_moon
but some breeders do trades and things like that. That is what I mean, which of your snakes do you not breed, not trade, just sit back and like to look at without worring about putting it into cooling time, and worring if it is the right weight to breed.

In all honesty, I feel sorry for reptiles that don't have the chance to reproduce in captivity. Mind you, there are some that I don't think should be as available as they are (ie; Burms, Green Iguanas), but on the same note, their life goal is to bring into the world another generation. This is what reptiles do, and I allow mine to do just that. This could branch into a rather large discussion with exceptions dependant on species, etc. but I won't get into specifics here.
I don't work with animals that I don't have a passion for. That is not what I want Niagara Reptiles to be either, and I think this helps me be a better "breeder" (I dislike that term, I'm just a custodian). I spend hours watching and interacting with all of the reptiles (and others) that I keep, and I truely enjoy them all. I also really enjoy seeing their progeny come into the world and usually I wait far too long to even try to find them new homes. I just love having them around. Maybe other breeders don't share my views, but that isn't really the topic here.

I guess that's all for now........ :)


03-06-04, 09:39 AM
Jim is the real "Lizard King" he could do anything!

"Morrison Forever"
