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would if be possable, just for a wile maybe a week or so, to house a flapneck cam with a jackson of simmalar size? it's for work. (I work at a pet store) I pesonaly hate to mix things at all but we are REALLY pressed for space cuz my manager had to order a bunch more reptiles for no reason :medsly: . cams arent my area of expertise. so thanks alot.
I wouldnt be mixing species...just asking for trouble. I used to work in a pet store too and I know how it is for space but I never let them get away with stuff like that. I quit the pet store because of this intolerance but the best practice is to keep only those animals that you have room for and dont overstock. Too many problems can happen and you risk the livestock.
02-23-04, 07:43 PM
wouldnt do it the next day you can have a dead cham, IMO
02-23-04, 07:59 PM
Just get a small cage(not glass cause their reflection can stress them) and put it in there for a bit. Do not put them together.
Someone on K S posted a long time ago that they had a male ambanja panther and male quadricornus live happily together in a chameleon condo. There was no aggression at all, they were in perfect harmony. The guy also stated that this is a one in a million chance, maybe try it and see their reaction?
It's not recommended by me and the majority of cham people, but it, like everything, is possible. How long are you intending to keep them together? Until they are sold?
02-23-04, 09:22 PM
You wont have a dead chameleon, reptiles are alot more hardy then one would think. Temporary housing is fine, just watch and make sure they aren't fighting or being hostile towards eachother.
Of course, if you see stress instantly, then yes seperate them. In the meantime just make sure they're both eating. Sometimes in these pet store situations you have to make due with what you have, and most of the time the reptiles do fine.
Just FYI, this doesnt apply to sickly wild caught animals, in that case make sure they arent together. Good luck.
02-23-04, 10:21 PM
1/1,000,000. I wouldn't chance it. Straighten up those petstore jerks!!!:D
02-23-04, 10:27 PM
i wouldnt either, i would just put them in a small tank only for a day, if its a must, i would rarly put him in another tank then with another species, srry wut i meant was a beatin up cham, depends how much space there is
02-24-04, 09:47 PM
Just try it and if they get aggressive toward each other then seperate them there is no harm in trying you might find out they like each other. People are always so dead set in there thoughts that animals shouldn't be housed together but I find that if you try it you could be successful as not all animals are the same.
02-25-04, 12:20 PM
Obviously if he had the option to house them seperately he would have done so...... why is that suggestions surfacing every other post?
The cham wont die unless they're both already in a state of stress or poor health, put them together and watch their activity. 9/10 times they will avoid eachother.
02-25-04, 04:42 PM
remember this is not his cham.......and i wouldnt put them together unless the boss was kool with it, but i dont know how the systems works in pet stores...when something dies
02-25-04, 05:39 PM
I personally wouldn't do it. Chams should be housed singly anyway. I don't know much about each of these chams but their may be some disease's (parasites) that are not present in the other ones system naturally and may have the possibility to cause harm if not death to one of the chams. If i'm wrong about this then please explain, cause i know some other lizards and snakes are like this. That's just one thing i can think of i have a few others but i'm at work and don't have much time.
02-25-04, 10:52 PM
ya good point made up(drewlowe), most reptiles are WC in pet stores, parasites are possible
02-26-04, 12:30 PM
I would also be worried about sending the wrong message to potential buyers. They are going to think it is okay to house two different species together, even though you may tell them otherwise. Seeing something usually leaves a longer lasting impression than being told something. Especially for a newbie.
Tell your boss to smarten up. Someone has to stand up for these animals.
02-26-04, 03:13 PM
lol if he did say that he would be fired, but it all depends, if you need that job badly or not
02-26-04, 06:40 PM
I have a few concerns. My primary issue is parasites. These are likely WC animals, and are likely carrying a parasite of some sort. Mixing them together is potentially dangerous to their health. If you must put them together, put them in the biggest enclosure you have. Monitor closely for signs of aggression.
thanks guys but I got around it by standing a 20L on end and putting the jackon in there and he's doing great. oh an trust me I will be the first one to tell someone not to mix unless it is carefully planed out. thanks alot.
you may or may not belive this but in fact most of our animals are CB and we get BDs and I got 2 cresteds from sandfire dragon ranch. for the people in the U.S I work at the bigger of the two biggest pet chains in the country. Pet'_ _ _ _ _. :). I have found at long as these stores have knowlegeable people (which sadly is few and far between) the animals do well.
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