View Full Version : differences between sand and rosy boas?

02-22-04, 08:45 PM
what are some of the main differences in sand boas and rosy boas( temperment,size, ready feeders) and would a 20 gal be ok for an adult or pissbly two if they can be kept togther.

02-22-04, 09:01 PM
I only have personal experience with kenyan sand boas, but hope to get a rosy soon. From what I've heard there doesn't seem to be much difference between them - except maybe size.

Sand boa males seem to stay between 14-18 inches. Females average about 32 inches.

I belive rosy boas average from 24-36 inches (or about there) with males generally in the smaller end fo that range.

A 20 gallon (especially a 20 gallon long) would be great for either of these species.

02-22-04, 09:55 PM
Thanks, also does anyone know a site where I can see different phases of the rosy boa or recomend any good breeders in the mississauga, tornto area. I might pick one up in the summer and want see what kind of phases are out there thx alot again

02-22-04, 09:59 PM
I know pcpc usually has a couple around, and if you want a different local rosy boa, they could probably get it for you.

02-22-04, 10:27 PM
Nicky, its probably not a good idea to plan on keeping two together, just like any other kind of snake.

02-22-04, 10:51 PM
ok thx ya i don;t belive in keeping most snakes togther i was just curious if they were an execption to the rule.

02-23-04, 06:33 AM
Here are two good ones,



I keep both. Kenyan Sand Boas are from Africa and Rosy Boas are from Noth America. They do stay about the same size eat abou the same size mouse and have about the same attitude. Some male kenyans will slow down on their eating in the winter. To breed Rosy Boas you have to brumate them like a colubrid. Kenyans do not get brumated.