View Full Version : what'd ya guys get

02-22-04, 10:56 AM
So what did everyone end up getting at the show...to tell you the truth i wasnt to happy with this months show, i couldnt find silkworms or anyone who had accessories. The animal dept was pretty good, i saw almost everything but i didnt really go to this show to get another herp but some accessories...I did end up getting a mini snake hook from matt, The savannah monitor book from ravi, which is amazing so far :), a bag a vermiculite, some pinkies and mealworms.

What did you guys get?

02-22-04, 11:09 AM
Damn. I knew someone would start a thread like this, and all I get to do is sit back and be jealous since I couldn't make it!! :p

02-22-04, 12:43 PM
Bartman, i saw a whole table with silkworms and butterworms. As for me, i got a female emp scorp from arachnomania and i got a female baby aztec corn from jordan.

Betty Miskie
02-22-04, 12:54 PM
I bought a gorgeous dark choc/orange fire crested gecko (thanks Woodland Edge Herps), crickets, waxworms and a new home for my cresties. I really wanted to pick up silkworms and was very surprised that they were not there.........Can't wait til April's!

Drew S
02-22-04, 01:12 PM
Me and my girlfriend combined and got:

A baby male Brazilian Rainbow Boa.
A gravid female leopard gecko.
An Eastern Box Turtle.

And also some waxworms, crickets, vermiculite, and I think that's about it.

02-22-04, 04:03 PM
I dove into the world of crested geckos with a great looking light coloured specimen. Also got some heat rope and an ESU thermostat.

02-22-04, 04:16 PM
i got a leopard gecko :) omg you should of seen the pigmy chameleons, a 150 each!!!!! i saw a dude get like 8, lucky


02-22-04, 04:19 PM
My friend got a yellow ackie, and I put a super hypo tangerine from High Quality on hold to pick up in 2 weeks.

02-22-04, 04:49 PM
So what did everyone end up getting at the show...to tell you the truth i wasnt to happy with this months show, i couldnt find silkworms or anyone who had accessories.

WHAT? NO silkworms or silkworm accessories? Geezzz, I almost flew out for the show too! Good thing...........


02-22-04, 05:05 PM
I just got a 55 gallon tank and lid

02-22-04, 06:19 PM
i sold a whole bunch of stuff. Thank you for who ever bought somthing from me and take care of them :). thanks to my staff as well. you guys did a great job.

I got a great temp gun from ravi. thanks man.

02-22-04, 06:27 PM
I wish i could have gotten a grey band.


02-22-04, 06:55 PM
lol, I didn't have the best luck finding what I wanted at the show either. I couldn't get pinkie rats, superworms (because I didn't want to buy them in 100 lots) or tank accessories, so once I left the show I just had to get my stuff at PCPC. I'm looking forward to the new larger venue.

I did enjoy seeing all the animals as usual, that made the trip worth it.

02-22-04, 06:56 PM
I got there a 9 and by the time i left, about 930, there were stilll absolutly no signs of any silks...did they come later?

02-22-04, 07:01 PM
I got to sit here, to homework, and not fly out to the show and buy more herps cause i got no money, LOL! Glad ya'll had a good time!

02-22-04, 07:06 PM
Bartman, i was there at around 1045-1145 and i saw a table with a huge box of silkworms. Sucks that u missed them, come later next time :p !

02-22-04, 07:47 PM
At least you guys have even been to show. ive never been to one because there is never a reptile show close to Dayton or Cincinatti.

02-22-04, 08:13 PM
I got two silk plants from jordan:)

02-22-04, 08:19 PM
I got a Red Phase Western Hognose Pair

02-22-04, 08:26 PM
Well I got a nice Green tree Biak from Grant .. Tx .. As well as a gcs habitat control system ..

A large python hook and a regular 3 foot snake hook (midwest) .. hemostats.. rodents.. and tahts about it ..

I was suppose to meet a person .. no name here but check BOI in a few days) but the person never showed up... Drove 10 hours to meet him to buy an adult carpet neway .. except for that .. I alwasy go there to talk to some old friends..

Great show as always grant!

02-22-04, 09:06 PM
I agree its always awesome no matter what, even if you dont get what ya want :)

that sucks big time for me, i needed silks soooo badly...too bad!

02-22-04, 09:11 PM
I saw silkworms at the first table to the right when you walked in the door, right in front of the kitchen (sorry, not sure who's table it was) but he had silks, only big ones though from what I saw.

I got a rosehair and some water gel for the crickets from Arachnomania. A small snake hook and 5 live pinkies......

It was my first time at the show and my husband and I had a GREAT time. The T we got is soooooo cute. So tiny compared to the one we already had..........Can't wait till the April show....:D

02-22-04, 09:14 PM
Jordan's table? I was looking there and didnt see anything :(

02-22-04, 09:15 PM
Nah, not jordans table, across from his

02-22-04, 09:18 PM
The first table right against the wall to the right. He had a bin with paper towel in it and it was filled with silks..........I wanted some too but the ones he had were too big for my cham. Sorry, again I didn't know many people there so I am really not sure who's table it was............

02-22-04, 09:19 PM
thanks anyways!

02-22-04, 09:22 PM
lol, allways next time Adam, but with the Bigger expo it might be harder for u to find all the hidden silks:p

02-22-04, 09:34 PM
:D lol, i need shirlock

02-22-04, 09:42 PM
If you need silkworms so bad, why wouldn't you just order them from the huge banner that appears at the top of this forum 300 times a day??



02-22-04, 09:44 PM
I was tempted by some absolutely fantastic snakes, but came home with nothing except an embarassing grin, having locked my keys in my truck :o

( well, got 2 leopard gecko's for a friend )

02-22-04, 09:45 PM
Jeff, he might not be looking for big lots of 50or more, maybe he was looking for just a few

02-22-04, 09:46 PM
:( i had to be in driving school :( and i had no ride so i couldnt have gone anyways. I really loved the last 3 i went to but couldnt make it to this one. hopfully the one in April!

02-22-04, 10:13 PM
If you need silkworms so bad, why wouldn't you just order them from the huge banner that appears at the top of this forum 300 times a day??
I was thinking about that a while ago but last time i bought so many silks most ended up dying even with the food i was giving them...i just wanted like 2 dozen or so...no biggy :)

02-22-04, 10:21 PM
I thought they lived a relatively long time? Like longer than crickets did? I've never used them though, so you couldn't fill a thimble with my silkie knowledge, ha ha!

02-22-04, 11:12 PM
i ended up getting a few of those big silkies to try out-so far everyone likes em, and a box of crickets-half price to what i usually get em for.
oh,and some cages from someone who just stopped in for a sec.
No animals this time :(

02-22-04, 11:16 PM
My friend Katie picked up a pigmy Chameleon for only $60.00. I got 2 desert hairy scorps, 5 emperor scorps, 3 a.avicularia, 1 avicularia versicolour, 1 pink zebra beauty and 3 millipedes

monitor boy
02-22-04, 11:43 PM
i picked up the only nile monitor they had there and damn is he a good eater he ate when i first got him home and he isn't shy at all i love it so much

02-23-04, 12:57 AM
This was my first time at the show. We went there to check out prices...didn't plan on buying anything. My wife ended up getting a nice cal-king. Nice to have something for the 10 hour round trip.

Wanted to see some hognose babies, but only saw 1 adult male. Wanted to price green or black tree monitors, but no luck. Didn't really expect to find those anyway.


02-23-04, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
I thought they lived a relatively long time? Like longer than crickets did? I've never used them though, so you couldn't fill a thimble with my silkie knowledge, ha ha!
They are supposed to, however the adults may cocoon.

02-23-04, 09:33 AM
Bartman, i saw you standing looking right at my table, lol. i was on the corner as soon as you walk in.

02-23-04, 09:47 AM
Well I got (or rather my friend got for me) a fire morph (hopefully) female Crestie from Hilde (Woodland) I can't wait to see her thought!! lol I saw pictures, but it is never the same as in person... hopefully the next show in April I will be able to get there!!

02-23-04, 10:38 AM
I got mealworms from PCPC store as I wanted 3000 not 100 lots for 2$, and I got wax worms, 2 red sided garter snakes, and picked up a bibrons gecko :D

02-23-04, 11:09 AM
I got a cheeseburger... :flick:

All I went for was to trade some feeders for a snakie, but the snakie forgot to be packed so I get her sometime this week... went to give my breeder pair of spiny mice a new home with Silke (I'll miss my little babies, I've had them for around 4 years... Mike is happy they are gone because he doesn't have to deal with them playing while he is trying to sleep... but I know they are in a great home)... went to sell my '02 female Ball Python, had people interested all the way even as we were walking back to the car in the parking lot but I still brought her home -> come on people! you won't find another like her for only $100! I also bought picked up some mealies for my sister... I was dissapointed that silkworms.ca did not make it out... I was hoping to pick up some waxies, butters, and silks, as well as my sister had wanted me to pick some up for her as well. Well, this is the first show that I never bought anything... and this is also the first show that Mike and I didn't eat something (anytime we go together we always end up eating bugs or something else).

Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
I thought they lived a relatively long time? Like longer than crickets did? I've never used them though, so you couldn't fill a thimble with my silkie knowledge, ha ha!

It's a pain in the butt trying to fight nature... I'm always cutting mine out of cocoons :p

02-23-04, 11:20 AM
75 med rats, 50 large rats, 6 rabbits(thanx Jason)
25 hamsters(thanx Rob Ward)
1 beautiful Crocodile monitor(thanx Matt) ps- he all ready ate last night, settling in great!

02-23-04, 01:47 PM
Had a great time at the show! Was awesome meeting everyone ... yes, I actually got over my shyness long enough to meet people this time :p

Wasn't supposed to buy anything... but did of course. LOL. Got a gorgeous female black variable king off of Joe -- Thanks Joe! :D She's awesome, I can't wait to actually bring her home with me... lol... Now I just need to fine a nice male to pair her up with, and I'll be all set for next year :)

And a big thank you to Matt for looking after her for me until the weather warms up a bit so I can get her shipped out to me! :) You rock... Hopefully I can beg him nicely into taking a couple pics for me after she sheds so I can show her off ;)

Anyways -- had a great time, great meeting everyone... and hopefully I can make it out to another show later this year to do it all again! :)

02-23-04, 04:18 PM
Yea jordan, i asked if you guys were selling those pics but i didnt have enough..they were awesome!