View Full Version : someone please help!

02-21-04, 06:47 PM
I have makaveli my ksb, who btw is around 8-9 inches risht now, on 3 inches of aspen.. i just finished changing from sand..

now, what i'd like to know is:

1: can the wood scratch or poke into an eye?

2: I read on the net that ksb's are aggresive eaters and it's not recommended that they be fed on aspen either because they can also swallow little pieces of wood.. is this true? if not what so i feed him in? and what substrate do i use?

thanx for the help! i'm not all to knowledgable in this area as i'm a tarantula keeper.. so i can help a lot in that department! :grab:

02-21-04, 07:22 PM
I know of a few people who have kept KSB's on Aspen with no problems at all.. I personally use a product called Beta Chip.. You can pick it up at Ren's Feed Supply.. Im not 100% sure of where it's located, so i dont wanna say, but i am sure someone that knows will be able to help you.. And i'm sure Roy will get to this thread and shed some light on your worries about the Aspen :)

02-21-04, 07:25 PM
I believe Rens Feed Supply is on Trafalgar Road in Oakville just north of Highway 5 (Dundas St). It looks like a barn and is on the left hand side going north. You can miss it, it stands out really well.

02-21-04, 09:32 PM
Yes Beta Chip is the recommended substrate if you can get it. Alpha chip can also be used.
Some keepers find the recycled paper product called "Carefresh" is useable for Kenyans.
For most baby snakes I recommend paper towel to avoid all ingestion problems, but Sandboas are bit tricky to get feeding unless they are completely covered, and that means using some type of particulate type substrate, and of course they will usually ingest some as it sticks to their food.

I personally don't like aspen because I've lost snakes to it, through ingestion of the occasional long toothpic like chards that come in it. if they swallow long pieces of wood, they might die, if they can't pass it.
If you must use Aspen, make sure it is the finely shredded stuff with no "long sharp tooth pics"
The shredded aspen Americans get is much finer than the shredded Aspen, we seem to get here in Canada...
I've been keeping and breeding sandboas since 1986 on BETA CHIP... and yes they do eat bits, but I haven't lost a single specimen to impaction in all those years.
Rens Feed is on the North West corner of Trafalgar and Burnhamthorpe, in Oakville
Beta Chip is just under 10 bucks for a very big bag.
It looks like this

02-22-04, 11:32 PM
so what do i do since i can't get beta-chip? still feed it on aspen? pllllease help! should i have stuck to sand since my aspen has toothpick type things?

thanx ahead of time

02-23-04, 12:41 AM
Like Roy said, make sure the aspen is FINELY shredded. This is what I keep all 4 of my kenyans on, but all of mine will feed in a bucket with no substrate. (This took a bit of work let me tell you.. hehehe). Nonetheless, very finely shredded aspen hasn't caused me any grief with kenyans yet.