View Full Version : Odd, but a question non the less

02-20-04, 11:30 PM
I was bored the other day and a thought crossed my mind about the 38 rats in my freezer!

I purchased them from rodent pro, and two are refreezes (not intended for my snakes now) I was wondering, do you think it would be safe to eat a rat cooked on the grill? the way i look at it is that it was frozen, and cooked. my mom thinks otherwise, what do you think?

02-20-04, 11:46 PM
Go for it and let us know. Hey, it's meat, right?

02-20-04, 11:53 PM
yeah, thats what i said, they do it in india so hey......

ill post pics, the thawind, skinning, gutting, cooking, and the best part the eating

02-21-04, 12:05 AM
What you need to do is purchase your self some fava beans and a nice chianti.

Freak. But yes I am interesting in seeing photos. Especially of you eating the tail. :D :D


02-21-04, 12:19 AM
they did it on Survivor and are all still alive..

02-21-04, 12:35 AM
u really should not eat vermin its really dirty. you can have fun with that. the only reason they do it in asia is because there countries where overrun with rats so they printed recipe's for rats in the newspaper to help kill the disgusting rat population that was spreading germs and virus's. if u r that hungry then make a sandwich. if u are going to eat a rat at least get someone to pay u at least 15 bucks. then at least you won't be eating a virus for free

02-21-04, 12:41 AM
*rolls eyes*

Rats are rodents. Just like rabbits. People eat rabbit all the time.

Now I woudn't advocate trapping and eating new york sewer rat or anything... but there should be no more health risk eating captive bred rat than there would be eating wild caught rabbit.

02-21-04, 07:18 AM
At a boy mykee, doing father Darwin right proud you are! Doing your little part to strengh the gene pool.
Good on ya,

02-21-04, 08:38 AM
"u really should not eat vermin its really dirty."
Then why feed it to beloved pets?

Go for it, man!

02-21-04, 08:51 AM
Rabbits are not rodents! Rabbits are Lagomorphs
Rats----can stand on their hind legs and hold something in their paws, the bottom of a rats paw is hairless, don't have molar teeth (for grinding grass and such), 1 set of incisors, their gait rodents run

Rabbits----can NOT hold something while standing on their hind legs, the bottom of their feet have hair, has molar teeth, has a double set of inscisors, rabbits hop.

There is more info on the net, just go to www.ask.com and put in lagomorphs vs. rodents

02-21-04, 08:56 AM
Although they may seem like rodents...:D

02-21-04, 08:56 AM
Meat is meat...it's made of protein. Clean it well, cook it well and enjoy. Ever since the agricultural revolution humans have been getting pickier and pickier. Bet it tastes like chicken.


02-21-04, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by cheech
u really should not eat vermin its really dirty. you can have fun with that. the only reason they do it in asia is because there countries where overrun with rats so they printed recipe's for rats in the newspaper to help kill the disgusting rat population that was spreading germs and virus's. if u r that hungry then make a sandwich. if u are going to eat a rat at least get someone to pay u at least 15 bucks. then at least you won't be eating a virus for free

True some countries eat it them for population control, however as I understand it in some places it is considered a delicacy. I don't understand where you are coming from in your claims that they are dirty and should not be eaten... they are just like any other animal. By your standard I suppose swine, cattle, rabbits and chickens shouldn't be eaten either. Personally I would take a captive bred rat over any of that wild hunted crap people put down their hatch. As long as it is properly cooked there shouldn't be any issues.

02-21-04, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Linds
Personally I would take a captive bred rat over any of that wild hunted crap people put down their hatch.

Sounds to me like this could the be theme in the bar tomorrow. You've done the silkworm thing, next it's rat steak.

02-21-04, 11:11 AM
you have balls man :D
good for you to try sommin new!

02-28-04, 01:38 AM
I'm with Linds, I would be willing to say that most of the rats in 'our' freezers are home-bred, not sewer rats. I would be more comfortable eating one of my breeder rats than a wild rabbit or deer. I KNOW where my rats have been.

02-28-04, 08:18 AM
I ate cooked rat in thailand and it was actually really good

02-28-04, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by sapphire_moon
Rabbits are not rodents! Rabbits are Lagomorphs
Rats----can stand on their hind legs and hold something in their paws, the bottom of a rats paw is hairless, don't have molar teeth (for grinding grass and such), 1 set of incisors, their gait rodents run

Rabbits----can NOT hold something while standing on their hind legs, the bottom of their feet have hair, has molar teeth, has a double set of inscisors, rabbits hop.

There is more info on the net, just go to www.ask.com and put in lagomorphs vs. rodents

Does this mean Guinea Pigs aren't rodents? They cannot hold things period or stand up on their hind legs.


02-28-04, 10:21 AM
Rabbits can't hold something while standing on their hind legs? Guinea Pigs can't hold things nor stand up on their hind legs????

Heck... don't tell Blockbuster!!! Carl & Ray will be branded imposters and end up in the food line (or is that chain?)

02-28-04, 10:47 AM
Last I heard, guinea pigs are not considered part of the rodent crowd :) However I'm not sure if they re-classified them yet or not. I call them rodents when I don't need to be specific. :P

As far as eating rats, even though the thought doesn't do much for my appetite ;) I also see no harm in dining on the well cooked meat. I can't imagine that there would be much of it on a rat, however. You'll have to let us know what it was like, if you try it! (my guess is chicken..)

03-01-04, 07:18 PM
I'm grossed out by the idea, but, somehow fascinated, I'd say go for it. Meat is meat. :)

03-01-04, 10:54 PM
I would recommend a good Honey Terryiaki (sp) BBQ sauce. That will help tenderize and flavor the meat!..lol
Let us know how it turned out.

03-01-04, 11:10 PM
I'm gonna join the "Go for it!" side on this one...let us know how it turns out! If it ends up tasting ok, I just may have to give it a test run...

03-01-04, 11:36 PM
my dad has that Showtime Rottisserrie and Grill..i could do up a few for you :p ..btw that thing works sooo well, the chickens taste soo good

03-01-04, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by cheech
u really should not eat vermin its really dirty.

Dude.....don't discourage him! He's falling for it! Sheesh. What a party pooper.

I'd recommend some Hoisin Sauce with it. That stuff is straight out of heaven.

I wanna see those pics!! The only proof is in the pics!

03-01-04, 11:48 PM
Forget the hoisin and use pudding. That's where I heard the proof is.


03-02-04, 12:22 AM
Chicken and turkey is incredibly filthy. It's basically stewed in fecal bacteria, and we still wash it, cook it, and eat it.

The rat is probably safer, provided it's gutted before being frozen. There might be some health issues with one that has been put away to freeze with the gut bacteria still stewing away in the intestines though.

Try a fresh one instead.

Gregg M
03-02-04, 12:30 AM
Yous are all sick......LOL....... I will pass on the rat meat, thanks.....

03-02-04, 12:37 AM
I say go for it. Actually, i've been considering it for a while now, but my mom would NEVER let me cook rat in her house, much less eat it. I havn't suggested it because she's still kind of scared of the fact that her house is ovverun by animals.

Once I move out I'll try it. I hear it's not bad!


03-03-04, 12:09 AM

Just a little inspiration for ya! :)

03-03-04, 04:10 AM
Sadly, this has caught my attention. I'm always open to eating new things. I figure if someone(anyone) else in the world can eat it, so can I.

I say do it. Skin and gut it first though. De-bone it as much as possible and fry it up.

It's crossed my mind with the mice, but there's no meat on there... :grumps:

Let us know how it turns out too.

"Tastes like chicken" won't count either...

03-03-04, 10:17 AM
I'm kinda curious too... but, as before, pictures! :D

03-04-04, 09:15 PM
I think I saw this on Iron Chef. The "Rat Battle" They were born under a full moon on a secret island, that no one knows how to get to unless they've already been there; born from a virgin mother who was decended from royal rats from India.
I would personally go with a nice curry sauce.

03-04-04, 09:52 PM
go for it dude :) worst thing that could happen is that you like it then starve your snake to get some for you :P

let us know :)

03-09-04, 10:46 AM
So, how'd it taste?

03-09-04, 07:50 PM
I thought one would have to skin the rat before cooking/freezing for the meat to be edible. I'm no expert with wild game mind you.

03-09-04, 08:05 PM
hey cruciform whats up with the pop ups link

03-09-04, 08:14 PM
pop ups link? huh?

03-09-04, 09:38 PM
oh man eat it for shur, rats a probly cleaner then chicken and considering that is captive bred it will be very clean and probly tast realy good(make shur u get a fat one)

03-09-04, 10:33 PM
well...i have this large rat in my freezer....i wonder what it tastes like...on second thought...i have some ham in my fridge...You have fun with that and I am with the photo people

03-09-04, 11:03 PM
Sapphire Moon:

If you are saying that rabbits are not rodents, because of all those details, then why are capybaras considered the largest rodents in the world? I think they can weigh up to 30lbs too. They have HOOVES man. They can't stand on their hind legs. BTW, you may not believe me but my rabbit has stood on his back legs and held something in his paws before. Is he a rodent now?

I would say go for it too. I think a captive bred rat would be pretty clean. Also, for all of you that say most wild stuff is dirty. Not true. I hunt and all and deer are VERY clean. Rabbits are VERY clean, same with grouse, tarmagin, elk, cariboo, ducks, ect... I think the reason they are dirty is because of all the crap we put in their homes. THEIR HOMES! LOL. We don't want garbage in our backyard, do you think they do? Gulls only eat garbage cause we are giving to them. When undisturbed, animals are very clean and stuff. Anyways I'l stop my rambling.


05-23-05, 08:06 PM
By your standard I suppose swine, cattle, rabbits and chickens shouldn't be eaten either. Personally I would take a captive bred rat over any of that wild hunted crap people put down their hatch. As long as it is properly cooked there shouldn't be any issues.


your right i don't eat swine,cattle,rabbits or chicken because they are unclean. proper cooking is not everything. if you cooked a turd would you eat it? i would hope not even if it was cooked with sauce.rats are filthy animals. and i feed my snakes rats because it makes there be one less in the world and its there natural diet. if u want rats to become your natural diet i hear its very easy to get in to china so you should go there and eat all the rats you want.just hope you don't get to many diesease

05-24-05, 01:03 AM
lighten up man

05-24-05, 09:19 PM
EWWWW... snakehunter leave them in there. and if the apocolypse happens and you start running out of food, THEN try and see!!! The smell of the males when I warm them is bad enough. Im just tryin to picture that wafting off the barbie. Bleh!


05-24-05, 10:51 PM
You listen too mushroom head and you want to eat rat..............................................n eed i say more?
go for it, but i want to see pics for proof!

05-24-05, 11:25 PM
actually just do a quick search on it, rabbits are not rodents, they are lagomorphs. I am sure they can be trained to hold things with their paws, just as dogs can be trained to walk on their hind legs.




Jungle Jen
05-25-05, 04:08 AM
Seems as if we are splitting hairs here (not to be confused with hares). If you want to go by dictionary definition, then...

Any of various plant-eating mammals having two pairs of upper incisors and belonging to the order Lagomorpha, which includes the rabbits, hares, and pikas.

Any of various mammals of the order Rodentia, such as a mouse, rat, squirrel, or beaver, characterized by large incisors adapted for gnawing or nibbling

Rats can hop, rabbits can walk, and both of them can hold things in their front paws. The difference? One set or two of their large incisors.

If you want to eat a rat, just use common sense. Prepare it like you would any other fresh kill, add your favorite sauce or spices, and enjoy!

05-25-05, 10:07 AM
eat the rat dude.
For all of those poor snakes who have been torn up by one lol.
and lets see some pics

05-25-05, 11:06 AM
Is beaver a rodent? :D

On that note I say if it's a mammal, it can be eaten. I don't know of any furry critters that are poisonous, but if there is, I am sure some scientist will sort me out.

Great thread, in a not so serious way. Just don’t bring up eating snakes or you will be in trouble!!

Firtst :confused: then :eek: then >( and in the end :grab:

05-25-05, 01:12 PM
Furry critters? How about mammals in general?
Only five mammals are poisonous. The most poisonous is the Australian platypus, less so are two types of shrews (the Blarina and Neomys species) and two types of the rare shrew-like solendons. Only the platypus male is known to be venomous, not the femlaes. Adult males have a pointed spur (about 15 millimetres long) located just above the heel of each hind leg, which can be used to inject poison produced by a gland in the thigh (the crural gland).

I was rather glad when this thread died a natural death last winter..... . ... now it's back.
It must be true - forum posts are life forms, from the same branch of the Tree of Life as cats, they both have 9 lives.

05-25-05, 04:54 PM
just eat it.. my aunt (ojibwa indian) has cought and cooked everything form racoon to porkupine.. its captive bred and grain fed.. who cares..

now comes the peer presure...

eat it... come on, eat it... everybodies doin it, youll be the cool kid on the block.. eat it... just do it.. all the cool kids are..


just read the rest of dragondrip's post.. sorry its old.. lol

05-25-05, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by peterm15

just read the rest of dragondrip's post.. sorry its old.. lol

DragonDRIP??? :eek:

Please please pulllleeeeeeeeeze tell me that was a typo :p ;)

05-25-05, 05:56 PM
LOL If it was or wasn't a typo, I got a good chuckle out of it :D

05-25-05, 06:27 PM
ya its a typo.. what so bad about that though... and why a chuckle

05-25-05, 07:46 PM
On the show killer instinct, the dude catches wild rat and cooks it and eats it. You cook it with its skin. When cooked for a minute you scrap off all the hair, and then cook it some more.

05-26-05, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by DragnDrop
Furry critters? How about mammals in general?
Only five mammals are poisonous. The most poisonous is the Australian platypus, less so are two types of shrews (the Blarina and Neomys species) and two types of the rare shrew-like solendons. Only the platypus male is known to be venomous, not the femlaes. Adult males have a pointed spur (about 15 millimetres long) located just above the heel of each hind leg, which can be used to inject poison produced by a gland in the thigh (the crural gland).

What about an echidna dude? I'm pretty sure those are poisonous too... kinda off subject but oh well....

05-26-05, 08:18 AM
Echidnas aren't poisonous. The only poisonous Aussie mammal (monotreme in this case, a primitive mammal) is the platypus.
Echidnas roll into a ball and rely on their spines for defense, no poison needed.

(dudette, not dude ;)

05-27-05, 12:17 AM
lol my bad:D

05-27-05, 11:01 AM
WOW talk about digging up old threads, I had a million emails about this post.....I was allWTF......I totally forgot that I had made this post A YEAR AGO!!!!!

05-28-05, 04:46 PM
So...a year later....Did you eat it? :D

05-28-05, 10:53 PM
:( .........no........mom said she would be very angry if I did, and you dont wanna see here angry.....haha.....I was talkin about this w/ my gf tho, and she wants to have a go at it......sooooo......Ill post pics and a recipe when it goes down :D

05-29-05, 12:02 AM
aww geez so do it and dont tell her, its that simple