View Full Version : The World Needs Conservation!

02-20-04, 09:59 PM
Ok everyone, we need to have a talk about conservation. I just bought a brand new book about conservation. Ive been reading it all day. I found some intresting facts while i was reading it. Here are a few:

* Every minute 50 acres of rainforest is destroyed across the world.
* By the years 2010 over 1,000,000 animals (insects included) will be exticnt.
* By the year 2010 there will only be a few patches of rainforest around the world.
*Every day more than 5,000 animals are killed from poching.

These are only a few! Do you see what i mean? Look at us! Look what we have done to animals! We need to do something about it! We need to save the endangered animals.....NO we need to save all of the animals that we possibly can! Can you just sit around and watch this happen? I CANT! And im going to do my best to help animals! While many people are focusing on rescuing one type of animals or selling them, we need to save all of them!

We have to get together about this topic. WE need to do something about it! Im trying to form an international program to conserve the earths plants and animals. Im thinking of calling it the W.W.C. which means World Wide Conservation. PLEASE email me ASAP, im trying to help the earths animals. PLEASE email me at: WorldWideConservation@yahoo.com and i will send you all the information i can about our society, its free, i will email you as you like about our society, by emailing me you will become a WWC member and you will be a conserver of the planet! We need to do something! What do ya got to loose? Come on lets do something before its to late!

More information on the way!

02-20-04, 10:02 PM
Isn't that pretty much the exact same goal of every other conservation organization out there?
WWF )World Wildlife Fund) handles the whole shebang and more specific organizations specialize..

Ducks Unlimited for waterfowl and wetlands conservation.

the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation for Elk conservation and habitat..

And so on and so forth. Perhaps your efforts would be better suited looking into the organizations that are already set up to do what you're looking at trying?

02-20-04, 10:05 PM
Im just trying to help, i belive we can do more than other societies.....

02-20-04, 10:08 PM
you get better results when working as one. Join the WWF and put your efforts into helping them.

02-20-04, 10:09 PM
I've done work with both the RMEF and DU over the last 20 years or so... it's a lot more than just wanting to do something to help.. You need money to purchase habitat to keep it from being bulldozed and that takes organization and specialized skills. But if you're serious I would suggest contacting any of the above organizations and volunteering your time and money there. I can't speak from personal experience about the WWF but I know that both DU and the RMEF are very dedicated to conservation and habitat preservation.

02-20-04, 10:57 PM
check out my site....its not finished yet, im getting a domain a fixing the forum.... http://www.freewebs.com/worldwideconservation/index.htm how does it look?

02-20-04, 11:33 PM
rattlesnake roundups would be a good target for ur group seeing as ur already in the states.

02-20-04, 11:42 PM
i know...that is a big concern....i need some help with this......please email me!

02-20-04, 11:59 PM
I agree we need conservation but we do not need another organization trying to do it. Join an already exising organization that has the same beliefs as you i.e wwf and help them, because all existing organizations could use extra help.

02-21-04, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by WWC
* By the years 2010 over 1,000,000 animals (insects included) will be exticnt.

Granted, we are in the midst of a mass extinction, and this one is unique as there has never been a mass extinction that was accelerated by a single species.
However, the Earth has seen 5 mass extinctions before, and, outside of anthropogenic forces, extinction or giving rise to a new species is a natural part of speciation. Afterall, 99.9% of all organisms that ever lived on Earth are now extinct. In the End-Permian period (250mya), 96% of every species at that time went extinct in a mass extinction.
The current rate of loss is unprecedented in the history of Earth. Loss is occurring even before we have documented the extent of biodiversity (only about 20% of the current world species complement have been described).
In E.O. Wilson's excellent exercise in extrapolation, it was suggested that the background extinction rate (rate at which extinction occurs in the absence of anthropogenic influence and excluding mass extinctions) is 17-27,000 species/year.
In the human time scale, species losses are irrevocable, however, on a geological scale biodiversity may rapidly recover.
Of course the first step towards us humans being able to witness said recovery is to clean up our acts and eliminate these anthropogenic influences, and of course, this can only be achieved through education.