View Full Version : Paleosuchus trigonatus

02-20-04, 08:14 AM
i was just wondering if any one knows where i can get a male smooth front caiman or any one here selling his? preferrably atleast 2 feet in length.

02-20-04, 09:19 AM
I though the Trigs were the Schneiders dwarf caimens.. ..

I have seen them for sale at pcpc before .. he also have the palps and caimen crocodillus for sale..

02-20-04, 10:50 AM
They are tough to get ahold of-I think I saw one in the classifieds a couple weeks ago. Just keep an eye out and one will come your way.

02-20-04, 03:38 PM
i know. i have been looking for them since forever. i actually have a 2 1/2 feet female right now. the trigs come in different names and Schneiders dwarf caimens is one of them.

02-20-04, 04:49 PM
can some one teach me how to post a picture? by the way thanx for the suggestion dom. i went to ask them and they still do have some available. not the size that i wanted but they're still what i wanted

02-20-04, 04:54 PM
i hope this works

C:\Documents and Settings\lloyd\My Documents\My Pictures\Reptiles\P1010022.JPG

02-20-04, 05:01 PM
you have to put the picture in your gallery and then post the link in between your {img} {/img} (with the right brackets of course) for the picture to show up...

02-20-04, 05:37 PM

02-20-04, 05:37 PM

02-20-04, 05:39 PM
hmm am i doin something wrong. how come the pics arent showin up?