View Full Version : Can someone tell me if this inhumane atrocity is a joke!!

Steeve B
02-19-04, 09:03 PM
I was unable to read entirely can you pleas tell me if this is serious.


02-19-04, 09:05 PM
Yes it is a joke.

02-19-04, 10:45 PM
Actually, the guy writes extremely well, and seems to be into computers. I suspect he is a square bonsai head himself :)
Someone could send that to PETA....should keep him busy for a while

02-19-04, 10:56 PM
Real. I have also seen cats grown into mishaped bottles filled with fluid as if it was a fetus in utero. Disturbing as it may be, the practice and market of these bottled lives is very real.

02-19-04, 11:04 PM
Ohh it is very real many animal rights groups have been trying for the last couple yrs to end this fad. Its been big in asia for about 5 yrs. Its disgusting, inhuman and basically a slow murder for the cat. Its kinda like when the asian women wrapped their feet to make them smaller but the only difference is the cats died the woman was in pain.

02-19-04, 11:19 PM
I don't think it's real but if it is that is disturbing.:grumps:

02-19-04, 11:22 PM



02-19-04, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by Quinn,Matt
Real. I have also seen cats grown into mishaped bottles filled with fluid as if it was a fetus in utero. Disturbing as it may be, the practice and market of these bottled lives is very real.

Originally posted by claycoke11
Ohh it is very real many animal rights groups have been trying for the last couple yrs to end this fad. Its been big in asia for about 5 yrs. Its disgusting, inhuman and basically a slow murder for the cat. Its kinda like when the asian women wrapped their feet to make them smaller but the only difference is the cats died the woman was in pain.

;) Don't fall victim to the Urban Legend, the site is a hoax, the practice is a hoax... It is satire at its finest, enjoy it, it's funny!
Sleep soundly in knowing that nobody is making Bonsai animals.

Click here (http://www.snopes2.com/inboxer/outrage/bonsai.htm)

02-19-04, 11:27 PM
Gah, Marisa, beat me to it.... The only Bradfordians on this site, only fitting that we have nothing better to do then dispel the myth of the Bonsai Kitten :p

02-19-04, 11:30 PM
LOL, that thing surfaces every month.. Gotta hand it to the person who made that site....very convincing:D

02-19-04, 11:31 PM
Yeah well sometimes I just like turning my attention to something other than carrots!!! ;)


02-19-04, 11:59 PM
Cat ownership was never an option, but after seeing this site, I'm interested.....:medbugged

02-20-04, 12:07 AM
Just a little observation here...

There are people that believe bonsai kittens are real that would call someone an idiot for believing a reptile only grows as big as it's tank.

Dwell on that :D

(and no, i'm not pointing fingers at anyone. it's just funny)

02-20-04, 12:16 AM
Reptiles do only grow as big as their tank don't they? Didn't you see Marshall's Retic eggs in a little Rubbermaid ?
Those are obviously Bonsai Retics, the monster!
Nice work Chris, by the way! You should ship every neonate in a spice jar!:)

02-20-04, 04:43 AM
The kittens are also depicted on www.rotten.com, including letters written by PETA adressed to the author of the site (who exclaims it's fake :) )

Fetusses (did spell that right? ) in bottles aren't quite that hard to make, I work as a veterinary technician and we keep our own collection of stillborns and stuf, you'd be surprised how they fit in very small bottles :p


02-20-04, 08:49 AM
BANG! Bonsai Kitten gets another victim. LOL!

02-20-04, 09:20 AM
Every month or so that site pops up on here, and there's always SOMEONE who asks if it's real. Kudos to the Webmaster, he's a genius.

Steeve B
02-20-04, 09:28 AM
A very sad joke!! to many emotions involved, my wife got really opset about this, aim sure others too!

02-20-04, 09:49 AM

This thing has been around for years now.
It's a hoax..... been proven many times... Only a webcite made to make people laugh in my opinion.

Just think about it, how can the cat be so clean if he grew in a bottle??? Wouln't he have **** all over him????
Even if they clean him out, wouln't his fur be all tangled up?


02-20-04, 10:00 AM
Well your wife should come over and check out our cat. His favorite place to "hide" is a five gallon empty fish tank...and let me tell you, a 25 pound cat sqeezed into a 5 gallon fish tank is far "Sadder" looking than a bonsai kitten. LOL


02-20-04, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by marisa
Well your wife should come over and check out our cat. His favorite place to "hide" is a five gallon empty fish tank...and let me tell you, a 25 pound cat sqeezed into a 5 gallon fish tank is far "Sadder" looking than a bonsai kitten. LOL


LOL! Any chance to share a picture of that??

02-20-04, 10:27 AM
HAHA yeah I have lots, I'll have to try and dig one up....he likes to put his face into the bottom corners. It really looks just like a Bonsai Kitten. I am sure they had minimal if any problems getting those kittens into those jars. Cats are weird.


02-20-04, 11:07 AM
Is it easy to get a cat into a jar? I always thought it would be difficult. I wonder if I can get the 2 stupid furry little bastards around here into jars. Now that would keep them from clawing the couch!

02-20-04, 11:33 AM
"A Modest Proposal" gets the same kinds of responses...

There are a few points to writing something satirical, one is to amuse individuals with a similar viewpoint or those able to see it for what it is... Frequently it's used to identify something seen as negative by blowing it out of proportion... and it's also used to identify people who simply don't "get it"

Along the same lines but not quite as subtle is the site http://www.petsorfood.com which frequently causes similar responses (Although herpers seem to find it amusing).

02-20-04, 11:44 AM
Mousekilla- Spray citrus on your couches. Or even use fresh lemon peels.

Cats HATE citrus.


02-20-04, 11:56 AM
This if from http://www.petsorfood.com....

"Red King Snake
One of the most venomous and rare snakes. Our expert breeders have perfectly replicated their native habitat and been able to mass produce this amazing creature. All live shipments come with five Red King Snake anti-venom ampules.
- $10.95 per dozen "

I'm not exactly sure but pic looks like a corn too :)

02-20-04, 11:58 AM
From the jungles of equatorial South America comes the largest man eating snake known to Man, the Anaconda. Pets or Food™ has formed a relationship with the foremost Anaconda wrangler in Brazil to supply us with an exclusive stock of this incredible reptile. Due to the size of the Anaconda, our free shipping offer does not apply to purchases of this product. Homes with small children should consider the Ready to Eat™ package.
- $284.99 each

I thought this one was funny also. :P

02-20-04, 12:18 PM
Janus i was getting ready to post about the corn also. I thought that one was soooo funny.

02-20-04, 03:51 PM
Haha. Excuse me while I go finish my bullfrog:D

02-20-04, 04:38 PM
Cat ownership was never an option, but after seeing this site, I'm interested.....
mykee you're a bad man.

02-20-04, 06:03 PM
Trevor, I've been called worse.........today actually........

Gary D.
02-20-04, 07:01 PM
RE: Pets or food

live hamsters $9.99/dozen !!!!!!

Man, I placed mY order !!

02-20-04, 08:00 PM
I love pets or food, been sending people upset about bonsai kitties there for ages...

02-20-04, 08:41 PM

Camping Trip
"I took the family camping last year. Problem was, food was too heavy to carry. Then we found your site, and dinner walked right along with us (even caught a few Frisbees on the way)"
Fred Berfel
Forks, ME

Bah ha ha!!!