View Full Version : medicating a sick beardie

09-06-02, 01:16 PM
i regularly medicate all of my reptiles on my own.
My trio of beardies seemed to be hit with a bit of a bug.
they had mucusy stool, and were lethargic.
I medicated the male and older female with sulfamethoxidine, iam pretty sure it was the beginning stages of coccidia.

after the adults have cleared up, the smallest female is showing signs of illness... ive been medicating her with a 1/4 of a pill. i belive they're 25 mg's. same dosage i gave my other beardies.
and it isnt working at all.

I have flagyl, and panacur as well.... but neither do anything for coccidia.
any help would be appriciated

09-06-02, 05:25 PM
If I were you, I would stop medicating, keep the cage scrupulously clean, water her heavily, making sure she is completely hydrated, and speak to a vet asap.

09-06-02, 09:16 PM
youre probably right, il probably do that.
i only medicated her for 3 days, with sulfamethoxedine.
some idiot on kingsnake told me i dont know what iam doing.
i hate judgemental idiots who jump to conclusions.... all i asked for was input not stupid remarks.

thanks uffern

09-06-02, 10:01 PM
No problem. KS has it's share of jerks, I know.

I haven't heard of sulfamethoxedine, does it ahve a common name?

I also medicate my dragons on my own when I need to. I haven't had to often, and as yet have used mostly Baytril and metronidazole. My vet and I are tight, tho, and on most occasions I can simply call up and request a measurement of such and such and pick it up the next day.

If you don't already have a vet, call around some, some are better than others. But when you do find one that you like, devolop a good working relationship. A vet that likes you and with which you have a good rapore(sp?) will be more likely to cut you a break on cost and squeeze you in when you need help. (just another public service announcement for all who read this)

09-06-02, 10:10 PM
Oh yeah, make sure she eats. Force feed her if you have to. The more food she ingests, the more fuel her body has to fight whatever is wrong with her.