View Full Version : OK, I want to vent

09-06-02, 12:48 PM
I have called around to some pet stores, just to see if they have any ball pythons, IN CASE I don't end up getting the one that this person is selling. I called this place I found on the internet, who says that they only sell to petstores, so I guess I can trust that at least some petstores are depending on breeders, but I digress.

He asks me why I want a BP, I tell him I've done some research, that's what I want as a 2nd snake, my ex bf's best friend had one, humidity, bla bla bla, basically, I think I can handle it!

He says, well they're not easy to keep, it's a misconception, people buy them and then complain that they are too much trouble...Ok, I realize that he's trying to be helpful, but it was just very irritating, especialy given that he was laughing the whole time, and laughed everytime I said something...I know that I sound like a 14 year old on the phone...but I'm a responsible adult dammit! Oh well, I just had to blab. He just made me feel like a little girl being scolded for something....just made me pop for a second....I'll be ok....put him in a tank and make him call me mommy....

09-06-02, 02:01 PM

09-06-02, 03:22 PM
shoulda of asked him how many balls he keeps, if none laugh him down. Another alternative is to complement his knowledge then start talking about the genetic aspects possible in breeding morphs and ask him to do a pundit for a pair having different double hets. You'll either embarass him or have found someone who really does know snakes.

09-06-02, 03:31 PM
BP's are easy to keep

09-06-02, 03:45 PM
thats a good story....vent all you want bp's are easy

09-06-02, 04:08 PM
I forgot to mention....He told me that I should get a kingsnake instead. He said, "A nice kingsnake is easy to take care of"

How arrogant! Haw, some people NEED to make themselves feel big...I don't particularly care for colubrids....

Whatever, thanks for the reassurance. It's not like I'm getting a super high maintenance pet, I thought I knew what I was getting myself into. :-D

09-06-02, 04:40 PM
u do dont worry! u will do fine when u get 1

09-07-02, 12:54 PM

09-08-02, 07:45 AM
LoL IMHO Kingsnakes are a pain in the a$$ but I love cornsnakes! BPs are not very interesting to me. The pair my father had when I was a kid never wanted wanted anything to do with anyone except my dad. For me it was the snake knot hehe so if I ever needed something to hug my hand LoL

I am sure you will do fine with any snake you get as long as you make the effore to research and ask questions first.