View Full Version : hmm whats this?

02-18-04, 04:40 PM
hey everyone,
i was defrosting my snakes adult mouse i microwved it and then put some seranwrap over the top to let it cook and then when i checked 20 mins later it had this brown yellow bump that was secreating this yellowish brown liquid?? has this ever happened to anyone befor?
thx in advance

02-18-04, 04:43 PM
Well, you're not supposed to microwave the frozen feeders. :) What you saw may have been a side effect of that. Also, you are cooking the meat to a degree when you mic them. Reptiles aren't designed to eat cooked meat. One more thing, the microwave will create hot spots where one spot could be cool and another hot.... kind of like a pizza pop! :D

I just let mine thaw out for a good 5 hours or thaw them in warm water.

02-18-04, 04:44 PM
You shouldn't microwave them. If you want to thaw them either leave them out or soak in hot water.

02-18-04, 06:51 PM
thx i havent used frozen thawed in a long time but want to switch back to them since live could potentially hurt her.

02-18-04, 07:25 PM
Also, some microwaves cook from the inside out - meaning the inside could be very hot while the outside feels cool.

I just put the mouse in a ziplock and sit that in a bowl of warm water till thaw. For a final boost in temps (since my Ball Python won't eat anything less than 108 degrees) I sit it on the light fixture for a bit.

02-18-04, 07:47 PM
how will i know if i've cooked the meat or if its just thawed which is what my snake will eat. lol sry its been like a year and a bit i've forgotten everything:S

02-18-04, 08:16 PM
If you leave it out at room temp then it can't be cooked. Why would you microwave it? And how can you forget?

02-18-04, 08:30 PM
Microwaves dont cook from the "inside out". The radiation is absorbed by different molecules at different rates. As I'm too lazy to type a full explaination I'l give you a link to someplace that has done it already


02-18-04, 08:34 PM
Just leave it in warm water (dont boil) lol but hot like when you take a bath! and it should be thawed with'n 5-10 minutes

02-18-04, 11:46 PM
hot tap water will thaw out the mouse, takes 10-15 minutes.

02-19-04, 10:30 AM
Count yourself lucky that you didn't thaw em in an open dish without SaranWrap!

02-19-04, 10:44 AM
Microwaves are crazy things... don't you guys watch Mythbusters?
I do the warm-water thing as well. Never even thought of useing the microwave... I don't tend to. Microwaves (along with most other appliances) hate me. o.o;;;;

Gregg M
02-19-04, 10:45 AM
Yeah, I am sure microwaved rodents do not smell too good....... LOL......Just let it sit in hot water for a while....... When you feel it is thawed out take it out and squeez it in your fingers to make sure there are no frozen spots....... Dont squeez too tight or you will have mouse guts in your hand.....LOL...... If it feels cool or cold put it in some more hot water and let it sit for a few minuts.......

02-23-04, 02:26 PM
I know someone who microwaved a rodent. It exploded. One hell of a mess to clean up.