View Full Version : can o' foods
02-17-04, 09:50 PM
Hey, has anyone tryed the can o' foods for sav. monitors? I think I will be buying the caterpillars, because my monitors LOVE silk worms. Ok, had anyone who tryed it had good feeding responce with this and/or tegu and monitor food in a can? Im not sure if they will eat it because they seem to eat whats moving. Or will their sence of smell take over or will I some how need to make the food move? Last, is there any way I can inhance the smell of the food?
But at the price of those things, its know where near worth it. I can get 1000 crickets for almost the price of 2 can O snails etc. The price is the only real big draw back, as depending on what your feeding to a monitor they will eat 2 cans at a time. They have a good idea they just need to improve on it (much bigger cans, much lower prices). I used to buy it once every 2 weeks or once a month for Sobek as she was growing up, but after a while I realized how many fresh insects I can get delivered for all of my collection for a little more.
02-18-04, 04:20 PM
Are these the little tuna sized canes you guys are talking there yellow and ive seen one that said can o crix...they have these for worms too?
Its like 10 bucks right? CDN
02-18-04, 04:49 PM
"I can get 1000 crickets for almost the price of 2 can O snails"
Really? wow. (no sarcasm intended)
Where do you get them and how much do the crix cost?
I have a pair of beardies now (the females my fiancees), I normally feed them lobster roaches (as well my ackie), but on occaision I get 1000 crickets or 250-500 waxworms, superworms etc. and the 2 sites I buy them from sell them for 15 dollars and change delivered, or 1000 for 10 dollars (not including delivery). One is the superworm farm and one is I get them for 10 at shows also. Those can o snails were around 7 dollars a can when I last checked here in the US. The can o crickets are a few dollars but they only have about 50 dead crickets in them.
i tried the canned monitor/tegu food when i first got my sav. he didn't touch it, i put them in little balls in his food bowl with bugs, didn't touch it. one time i held him and held the bowl and shook the bowl, when they moved he ate one or two peices. that was the only time he ate it, about a week later it went bad. and its not worth the money, even if the monitor does like it.
The Sav at work's favourite food out of everything we feed her is probably those Can O' Snails :rolleyes: She is fed a varied diet, most of which is fresh, but she still prefers those to all of it. One thing I never understood is why the snails were de-shelled? The shells are loaded full of calcium. It isn't as expensive for us to be feeding her any of the Can O stuff for what we get it for, but the price is definitely the biggest deterrant IMHO.
As for the canned crap, I'm not a big advocate of it. Why not feed whole, fresh animals instead of processed by-products? The stuff can be very messy to feed. The Whitethroat we used to feed it to at work used to eat a fair bit, but also smear a good portion of it all over the glass and mash it in to the substrate :rolleyes: Neither our Black and White or Red and White Tegus care if what they eats is moving or not, or is even an animal. Fish, insects, rodents, fruit, even greens... you name it it goes down the hatch.
02-19-04, 04:53 PM
I second the canned crap thing. I heard that snails are dirty, or not healthy-something like that. I think the shells are covered or filled with crap IMO but the shells itself are healthy. Either way, It's a rip. SHvar, you're from PA too? This may sound stupid, but where are the shows located? I thought it was only in Canada. Oh well.
02-19-04, 08:10 PM
Wait what? Matt, are you saying you didn't know there were reptile shows in PA? Well there going to be some in March, Pittsburgh and a Lancaster one. SHvar, which shows do you go to?
02-20-04, 04:24 PM
I seroiusly didn't. Stupid, huh? I live closer to Lancaster. Can you be more specific on where it is? Thanks.
02-20-04, 05:33 PM
Hahaha, well the lancaster show is going to be on March 20 at Lititz Community Center, 301 W. Maple St. The web sight is
02-20-04, 06:29 PM
02-20-04, 07:45 PM
no problem man. Are you going? If you do, if you see a asian person with spike hair thats me. Hahaha
Hamburg field house is one location thats one of the biggest shows on the east coast. Lititz is a smaller show but still kinda nice. There are some in Philly, Pittsburgh and a few other places that I dont go.
02-21-04, 09:24 AM
Do you know where the few other places are?
02-21-04, 09:53 AM
Is it worth an hour and a half drive?
02-21-04, 10:57 AM
I missed the hamburgh one.... I have never went to the lancaster one and this is going to be my first time there, so im not sure if its going to be all that great.
Especially Hamburg, I travel an hour for it and almost that for Lititz because of the location and directions there.
02-21-04, 10:59 AM
I heard there was something like that at the king of prussia mall. Does anyone know anything about that?
Originally posted by reptiguy123
I heard that snails are dirty, or not healthy-something like that. I think the shells are covered or filled with crap IMO but the shells itself are healthy.
Captive-bred snails are perfectly healthy to feed whole, and their shells shouldn't be covered or filled with anything nasty.
02-23-04, 10:36 PM
Forget where I read it, could have been on this site.
My point is that canned is too expensive for what little you get.
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