View Full Version : wishlist?

02-15-04, 09:40 AM
Hello! I was wondering what peoples wishlist was for the upcomming show?

I am looking for 24 heat packs for emergencies :|, pinkies, mealworms, silks, crix! Must stear clear of reptiles despite overwhelming urge!! but... must bring a bit of extra cash JUST incase ;)

Also hoping to get a redsided garter from Jonathon crowe :D


02-15-04, 09:49 AM
Anything strange, unheard of or no one has. thats what i am looking for.

02-15-04, 10:06 AM
Female bai of la mid baja rosy boa.

02-15-04, 10:44 AM
I'm getting a nice probe kit and I'm looking for some Medium F/T Rats. I may talk to JD Terreriums about the unit I want as well, get an estimated price and such. No reptiles for me yet, even if I see the fat tails I so desperately want or the Nosy Be or Ambanja Panther Chams...Well, I'll bring my cell to call mom with a warning just in case ;) lmao

02-15-04, 12:21 PM
I'm looking for a bigger room for my snakes.

monitor boy
02-15-04, 06:27 PM
any nile monitors