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View Full Version : Frosty

02-15-04, 06:08 AM
Here's a pic of my newly aquired "frosted" corn. The picture does not do him justice.


Got him from Bill at Blue Ribbon Herps. He was great to work with.


02-15-04, 06:15 AM
How do I resize the pic? Can anyone help?

02-15-04, 10:42 AM
go in your gallery open up the picture in full size. then right click and click on properties. then copy the url. then in your post paste it and put the tags (img) then (/img). but change the ('s with ['s. get it.

02-15-04, 12:17 PM
Thanks Crazyboy, it worked.

The pic doesn't do the snake justice. He has a lot of subtle pink and green tones.