View Full Version : How many Eggs?

02-15-04, 01:23 AM
How many eggs would a savannah lay? Would a CB savannah baby that is doing great and sexed go for $200?



02-15-04, 09:51 AM
The only female I managed to get eggs from had a clutch of 18 // Not sure on the average..

How much are they worth ..

Hard call .. a wc new import is about 30$ or less .. so a cb can sell for hmmm .. Would u buy a cb for 200 when a wc is for 30 or a ltc adult is 80$ ..

Unfortunetly for that reason I think u could maybe sell em for 100$ .. Just my thoughts

02-15-04, 11:15 AM
Thanks, Sounds good. Do you mean wild caught direct from the importer? I know pet stores rip people off with prices like 180! Anyways, thanks again.


02-15-04, 11:58 AM
Don't breed savannahs expecting a profit, do it to show off the quality of captive bred and sway people from purchasing unhealthy imports. You wont profit from them, unless you breed your own food and then still, the profit wont be very significant.

02-15-04, 12:01 PM
Is about $1.00 each, the wholesale price that they can be obtained from that point is $5 each. Imagine how much profit the stores selling them for $50 each or $100 are making per animal. If ya look around you can find Bosc and on classified adds being given away to find homes for them. I know a person who does animal rescues (mostly rehab for wild life), said last year she saw a few niles but 5 or more bosc monitors all seriously obese that were given to her (the biggest number of monitors she ever seen), when kept properly one mobilized his fat reserves and didnt live more than a few weeks, thats the cause of fatty liver disease. These were abandoned in parking lots, at malls etc. The last CBB boscs were from Ravi Thakordyal, ask him what they would be worth, probably because they are just that rare $200+ each. After all the going price for red ackies as hatchlings is around $300+ each.

02-15-04, 12:46 PM
30$ from a store.. If I go to the importer here there 7$ each .. but not everyone has acces to that..

The super pet around here sells em for 150$ .. the thing is ppl actually buy em at that price..

02-15-04, 03:00 PM
That's interesting.

02-15-04, 04:14 PM
Yah, i got mine for $180. Thanks for all your help.


02-15-04, 10:30 PM
Producing about 60 eggs per clutch if they are big and healthy enough, even in the wild boscs make alot of eggs.

02-16-04, 11:02 AM
60? Wow.

02-18-04, 05:03 PM
Exanthematicus, you'd be surprised hoe many eggs those guys can squeeze out!