View Full Version : Reducing Smell?

02-14-04, 04:23 PM
Hey all,

My mouse colony is in my garage(heated) in about a million rubbermaids. I have about 85 mice and hoping for 100 or so by the end of february. Anyways, my dad is complaining about the smell. I have this rodent stuff to reduce the smell that im going to be using, but also, can i used something like some peleted kitty litter and put a little in with the aspen i keep them on? Any sudgestions would be great. Thanks.


02-14-04, 04:48 PM
Reducing males for one. If you are housing say 1 male with three females, change to 1 male per 6 females. Males are the main reason mice stink, even constant cage cleaning can make the problem worse because when you clean they re-mark. Clean once per week, reduce male to female ratio, and get lots of baking soda!

I have an open box of Baking soda behind each two cages which is replaced every couple months. I scatter baking soda all over the floor and vacum up once per week. This helps huge.


02-14-04, 04:57 PM
Carbon filter on the intake of a fan, with the output going OUTSIDE of the garage. Get the appropriate CFM rating for the size of garage.

Or get an ozone de-oderizer. There's one called the Black Widow. Its the most recommended.

Your best bet is to to the hydropnics store. For obvious reasons, these guys KNOW how to get rid of ANY smell the best. Their lives depend on it. They'll set you straight.

02-14-04, 05:10 PM

Well i do have a 1male to 6 female ratio and clean once a week. I will try the baking soda and the de-odorizer. Thanks.


02-14-04, 06:44 PM
I just started wiht hte baking soda and it seems to be helping.