View Full Version : who knows blizzards?

Demelo Kidd
09-05-02, 06:36 AM
What genetic morphs are involved in producing blizzards and snows or are they just mutations?:confused:

09-05-02, 06:47 AM
Snow leos are a colour variation where the yellow is replaced by white. Good snow colouration is pure white, but many, if not most have at least some yellow tint to the white. As they age, you can almost count on your white now to turn a dingy yellow, almost dirty looking. The prime age for snows to look their best seems to be around 1 year old, with the colour change starting around the second year. I've never had snow leos, so I can't verify this from personal experience, but it is what I've gathered from other snow keepers.

Blizzards are genetic, you can't mix and match colours/morphs to get a blizzard. The genetic mutation first showed up in a patternless clutch hatched by Prehistoric Pets. Because of the relationship to the patternless, the blizzards share many of the colour changes (mood, temp swing etc) that patternless experience. Midnight blizzards seem to be a temporary stage in the life of a blizzard - seems midnights eventually turn white like normal blizzards.

09-05-02, 12:27 PM
That's very interesting! I had always thought midnights stayed dark.......................

09-05-02, 08:12 PM
There are midnights that doo retain their colour. However some do fade with age and do unfotunetly become white. However, I do believe that it was not prehistoric pets that produced the first blizzard. It was indeed a genteman who did it by accident and brought them in to a petstore somewhere in the states and the guy at the store tried to buy them off of him, and eventually he got them. And then the person at the store made some sort of investment deal with someone linked to prehistoric pets and they started to mass produce them. I am sure I do not have that completely correct but there was an article in reptile magazine.

09-06-02, 10:43 AM
Yes Murray you are correct. The animals were original traded to the owner of Prehistoric pets for some Boas. And actually the original owner skipped out with both the boas and the leopards!
He later came back and I forget but the owner of Prehistoric obtained one sickly Blizzard. He then got it back to health and produced some hets with it. And the rest is history. Although I have seen some dark blizzards I have never seen a truly black one. A local breeder here in Texas has produced some dark ones but none that are truly black. I have 1.5 hets blizzards but only produced 1 this season. They were all first time breeders and I lost a few of their eggs. I have two more eggs at this time and hope to get at least one more from them. I want to work on several projects with blizzards,melanistics,albinos,snows.

Blazin Reptiles