View Full Version : turtle waste disolver for frogs?

02-12-04, 05:43 PM
I was wondering if i could use a product deisgned to disolve turtle waste for my frogs as my filter seems to not do the job. its says non toxic but i;m worried abotu if it will harm the frogs simnce they will absorb it threw there skin if not anyone know any filter in specific that will filter waste i have a fluval with foam pads soon switching to carbon but i still don;t think it will work r there any filters designed pacifically for that function or any frog safe waste duissolvers?
thx alot in advance

Double J
02-12-04, 05:59 PM
Don;t quote me on this.... but if I remember correctly, that turtle clean product causes nitrate or ammonia spikes when used. Like I said, don't quote me... it is one of those old pieces of info that floats around in the brain. I just remember that it shouldn't really be used with amphibs beacuse of their chemical sensitivities and trhe spikes it creates. Turtles would not be as sensistive to the spikes.... as I beleive it breaks down the solid wastes into nitates and/or ammonia.....
But... if anyone has some better info...feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
Double J

03-04-04, 07:06 PM
if ur not 100 percent sure never use a chemical with any herp, any living creature for that matter, i suggest cleaning ur tank more often