View Full Version : Hi, I'm a new person...?

02-11-04, 11:01 PM
Hi, I'm new to this whole deal, the main reason I came here is cause of my Herp Addicted Girlfriend Michele, also known as Lrptls, she has lots of cool animals and what not, and so I think they are cool and now I'm here, and I don't actualy have any herps myself I'd like to get atleast one. I don't plan to have as many as she does, cause I dont' think I could care well enough for that many but I want one I think, but I don't know what kind yet some kind of digging lizard though, cause lizards are cool. Also one day I hope to have an Octopus named Charlie, cause Cephalopods are awesome. Well anyway, thats pretty much all I have to say at the moment, oh yeah and I like drawing and am semi good at it, hopefully I Get some kinda scanner soon so I cna put my newer works up in my gallery.

02-11-04, 11:08 PM
hi sweety =) i hope you enjoy sSnakeSs, thanks for the compliments and by the way you are a GREAT artist. love you <3

02-11-04, 11:24 PM

Personally, I wouldn't get so attached as to name a captive octopus. If it lives longer than a week, you are a master aquarist.

02-12-04, 12:27 AM
Well, perhaps I won't get one then. I don't want one if there is a high chance it will just die, even though I love them. Thanks for the tip though.. <sigh>

02-12-04, 12:38 AM
welcome to the site! :D

02-12-04, 11:46 AM
Welcome to ssnakess.

02-12-04, 12:07 PM
There natural lives vary, but for a dwarf it may be only 3-18 months. Much of it's live is already lived when it is captured. They are also highly vulnerable to stress, and require their own tinted aquarium, plenty of hiding spots and a tank more secure than a jail cell(octopi can squeeze trough an opening the size of their beak). I am glad you are reconsidering the purchase of these truly amazing creatures.

You might want to look into cuttlefish.

Best of luck!

02-12-04, 12:14 PM
Welcome to ssnakess!

02-12-04, 01:05 PM
Are most of the ones in the pet trade wild caught? cause if thats the case then I'm definately not getting one, ofcourse I'm probably ont getting one no matter what now, cause I dont' want to kill it. Maybe I'll just have a Lizard of some kind. I wish I coudl get a madasgascar hognose, but I heard that they are all imported or wild caught, anyone know if thats true?

02-12-04, 06:11 PM
Welcome to the site :)


02-16-04, 05:38 PM
Welcome to sSnakeSs! :)