View Full Version : Hog Island Boas

02-11-04, 01:34 PM
Does anyone have links or anything for these snakes? I recently decided that I really would like to have one but wnat to do the research first.

I already have a ball and a red Tail... is the care the same as a BCC? anyway, any info is helpful.. also, can you nice people maybe post some of your pics??


02-11-04, 01:46 PM
Same as a bci. Good choice they are beauts. I'll post some pics later.

02-11-04, 02:03 PM
here's a hog picture thread http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32438

02-11-04, 02:34 PM
what is the max size for one? someone was saying that 6.5 ft female was big... do they not get as big as a Red Tail? what about temperment? remember guys I know nothing about this species... :D

02-11-04, 02:42 PM

02-11-04, 02:51 PM
They are suposed to stay under 5'. I only know of one over that mark. I've only ever seen and delt with calm ones. But like all BCI they are variable. I keep my hogs the same as I keep my colombians.

02-11-04, 03:08 PM
I purchased my hog island from PM Herps.


awsome healthy animal...eating fuzzy small rats now like a champ...he only has 3 females and 1 male left....have a looksy! :)

the first female has really neat stripe on her tail.

oh by the way..you can see the parents too...the male was from a reduced pattern!!!

02-11-04, 03:14 PM
wow! is that a standard price? 250$ US?? That is a lot... anyone in Canada that has them have average prices??? or know of any breeders in this country?

02-11-04, 03:19 PM
Hey Tracy, remember at the association, Victor had a very nice pinkish hog, well that was a female hog sold to him by a cdn breeder. I will contact him to see if he will have babies this year.
Also, it isn't rare that they do exceed the 5 foot marks. I have seen some at 6 feet.

They are very nice snakes.
go to reptilic.com and check in the boidé section, you will see some nice pics of babies from a cdn breeder.

02-11-04, 03:19 PM
wow..he must of raised his price by popular demand....i got mine when he had only sold two...and i paid $225. I think it was well worth it...i love my hog. They are semi-aboreal..and the color changes they go through are killer! Hasn't refused a meal yet..and loves to eat!!! Any hobbie you get into costs money..so why not indulge..if this is a really a snake you want and plan on keeping for a long long time. Just my IMO.

02-11-04, 04:02 PM
thanks siretsap! you are such a sweetheart! :D why aren't you on MSN anymore? anyway see if you can get me a name or find out if they wil have babies.. I would be interested and if they are selling $200 US then I betterstart saving up I guess...

oh and reptilic.com doesn't exist?? you sure you have the right addy??

02-11-04, 04:32 PM
I've seen Hogs in Canada range from $325 all the way to $450. There are going to be a least 6 people selling them in the next two years and with the demand being what it is for smaller boas I can't see the price coming down any time soon. I paid $350 a piece for mine and that's what I plan on asking for them.

02-11-04, 04:46 PM
check a1reptiles.com I think Henry had some for sell..... not sure on price though

02-11-04, 04:55 PM
a1 reptiles was only lizards and frogs.. and I would rather get it from someone in Canada. just less of a headache shipping wise if needed. but thanks for the link!!! so far I haven't seen or heard of anyone else in Canada / Montreal.. so I am waiting on Siretsap to hook me up!! lol

02-11-04, 05:11 PM
sorry about that I meant a1pythons.com
My bad

02-13-04, 02:05 AM
I have seen many and purchased a few at $125-175 in the US. Their husbandry is the same as BCI because they are a locale of BCI. You can see our Hogs at this link.

Hog Link (http://showcase.netins.net/web/reptiles/hogphotos.html)

Class Reptilia also has Hogs and some of the same bloodlines as ours.
Class Reptilia's Hogs (http://www.classreptilia.com/hogg_island_boa.htm)