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View Full Version : Flowers for food?

02-10-04, 11:07 AM
Hi all I was just wondering what anyone knew about feeding flowers to sulcutas? I have some here and was just thinking that in the wild do they eat them if they can what kind would they eat? Would it be beneficial in any way to them?


02-10-04, 11:08 AM
I am not a sulcatta keeper but I do know Green Iguanas relish Hibiscus (sp) flowers and many other types...I think most are fairly safe but I know for a fact hibiscus is.


02-10-04, 06:50 PM
Hello Kim, in addition to Hibiscus, you can also feed them Roses, Dandelions, and Nasturtiums. Just make sure that any flowers that you buy are soaked in clean water for a couple of days to get rid of any absorbed fertilizers, and make sure that they have been washed really thoroughly. I hope that you and your Sulcata are doing well.
Take care, Johnny.

02-11-04, 01:13 AM
Hey thanks alot and he is great!!! I have a whole bunch of flowers here and just thought instead of wasting them i would put them to good use.
What about carnations, lillys stuff like that?
Thanks again

02-11-04, 05:50 PM
be careful about which flowers you use. Get a toxic plant list and check it before feeding flowers. Lillies are poisonous and I'm pretty sure carnations are as well.


Scales Zoo
02-11-04, 05:57 PM
We tried growing dandelions last winter under grow lights. We have a organic souce of them in the summer, the sulcata and leopards really like them.

We didn't have much luck with that, but this year we have planted nasturtiums and habiscus.


02-12-04, 12:05 AM
Where would I get this list? and thanks for the help this is why I am asking I have read lots of books and care sheets about it but alot of it did not specify either way.

02-12-04, 12:07 AM
Oh and I have not fed him any this time I wwas actually wondering for more in the summertime when my gardens are in bloom.

02-12-04, 11:27 AM
Here's a link to a poisonous plant list.

02-13-04, 03:55 PM
Ok thanks a bunch :)

02-13-04, 04:17 PM
What's poisonous or safe for humans is not necessarily safe for animals. I wouldn't rely on that listing for feeding your herps.

Try this instead:

02-13-04, 04:36 PM
Actually, this list was recommended by my vet, if you would have scrolled down, there is also a link for poisonous plants by Cornell University Animal Sciences. Most of which have much of the same plansts listed. It is always good to get info. from a number of sources though:)

02-13-04, 04:55 PM
Yupyup :)

I'd still be inclined to hunt down critter specific lists, just in case.

I remember reading about a vet who arrived at a dolphin exhibit to find the dolphin was excited to the point of harming itself. Turns out that another doc had tried to anesthetize it with a barbituate, and the dolphin suffered the paradox effect (you'll see it in kids taking ritalin or dexedrine, speed slows them down). The first vet lacked the specialized info he needed for treatment, and could have killed his patient :(