View Full Version : Not getting down to business

Betty Miskie
02-10-04, 10:22 AM
I purchased a proven pair of adult cresties (2 years old each) at the November reptile show. They were in the cooling down period from early November which we started warming them up in mid Dec. We heated them up, feed them every day and still no action between them. What are we doing wrong? We separated them a month ago for a week, put them back together and still no action. The female hides so then we put them in a smaller area. Still nothing. Any suggestions? They were bought as a proven pair that were together. This is our first adventure with adults and don't know what else to try and yes, they are definitely male and female.
Thanks for any suggestions!

D Healey
02-10-04, 01:17 PM
I have heard that males are picky sometimes as to when they want to breed aswell you should try to find out their previous breeding cycle as they may be waiting for warmer weather.

02-10-04, 01:26 PM
Do some geckos need competition to get them to breed? I have no clue just asking.