View Full Version : What is the Best Snake???

02-10-04, 09:30 AM
What is the best snake and why??

02-10-04, 10:24 AM
The best snake is whichever snake you like the best. For me right now, it's bull snakes: Impressive size (for a colubrid). Really neat attitude. Beautiful color and pattern. great feeding response. Strong and active during handling.

Ask me next week, and I might say something different. Some of my other favorites: gaboon viper, bredl's python, green tree python. None of which I'm likely to ever own. :)


02-10-04, 10:27 AM
Yeah there is no "best snake" It's the snake you personally like the most.


02-10-04, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by munchie321
What is the best snake and why??

That is a very generalized question and virtually impossible to answer. What exactly are you asking? What is the best snake to keep? Or what is your favorite/best looking snake?

If your talking about housing a snake, it depends on your own requirements and how experienced you are. A gaboon would definately be a terrible idea, or a burmese. Well...anything that goes beyond 7 feet or poisonous shouldn't be considered "the best snake". UNLESS you have the experience, then it's a whole different story.

For a starter, Corn Snakes would be my pick. They are cheap, incredibly tolerable, easy to handle, easy to maintain and super colorful. If that was the question you were asking, i hope i helped.

If that was not the question, my favorite/best looking snake in my opinion would be GTP's, Eyelash vipers and Black Blood Pythons. I think that those are the most beautiful snakes in the planet.

02-10-04, 02:06 PM
My snakes!!! LOL, I'm sure everyone thinks that.

02-10-04, 02:20 PM
I mean for looks

02-10-04, 02:22 PM
That's in the eye of the beholder. LOL

My very favorite snake for looks would have to be an ETB (basins), hands down.

02-10-04, 04:20 PM

Because they just are ;)

02-10-04, 04:40 PM
I just have to say Anacondas don't know why but they are just my all time Favorite. LOL


02-10-04, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by drewlowe
My very favorite snake for looks would have to be an ETB (basins), hands down.

Ditto that!

02-10-04, 05:12 PM
I love blood pythons...and black bloods....those orange eyes are menacing.

02-10-04, 05:18 PM
I dont know who had the pic but someone recently posted a pic of a yellow eyelash viper, WOOW, i must say that it would be a top pic for the nicest snakes out there
id say top three

1 etb
2 almost all bp morphs
3 eyelash viper

monitor boy
02-10-04, 09:24 PM

02-10-04, 09:29 PM
in no order.

Rhino Vipers
Tri color Kings / Milks

Wart Snake j /k


02-10-04, 10:22 PM
best snake for looks? Well i'm partial to eyelash vipers, king cobras and gaboons are impressive too.

are you looking for a beginner snake that looks good or just anysnake?

02-10-04, 10:54 PM
I love the way Retics look. BRBs are incredibly beautiful. Emeralds are amazing... There's to many that are all very unique in their beauty....I dunno, man..............

02-10-04, 11:12 PM
I love Jungle Carpet Pythons! They are beautiful with the bright yellow, and I just got my pair today!! They are beautiful

02-11-04, 01:25 AM

I like all, but boas and pythons got me pretty good and its still pretty hard to decide but if I break it into a few sets it be easier after.

Emerald Tree Boas - super interesting boa, complicated but yet simple, a true gem in a boa collection for the experienced (for so many reasons), loads of locals and families to choose from.

Green Tree Pythons - everything as Emeralds.

Boa Morphs - everything from anery to salmon, sunglows to snows.

Like I said it be hard, but my favorite is all cause they all have a reason to me, but over all - Moses our Snow Boa.



02-11-04, 01:37 AM
wow..its hard to narrow it down to one....if I had to choose from the ones I keep it would be the short tail sumatran....ones I don't keep...it could be the gaboon....I really like the stalky ones...they're just different than what I'm used to seeing..which is usually skinny wired garter snakes in the wild..lol

02-11-04, 08:48 PM
What else can i say...RachelS. said it all!
now really, it depends. I like Gaboons very much. Also african rocks and many others...

But it's easy to get impressed by a retic. WOW!

02-11-04, 11:50 PM
im a big fan of the rhino vipers, not shure why, but there combanation of looks and a killer bite just....... i cant explain it