View Full Version : Favorite Quotes

02-09-04, 09:13 PM
ok so what are your favorite quotes from movies, history, whatever.

mine would have to be:

"Now people might get out of your way if your mad, but if you got s!^t, aint nobody f$%-king with ya."
-Brandon Dicamillo

02-09-04, 09:35 PM
"It's funny cause it's true" Homer Simpson
"If you fail to plan, plan to fail." Don't know
"Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting." Harry Wong educational motivational speaker.

02-09-04, 09:43 PM
"Jesus christ i'm listening to Zebra!"
Fletchers dad

Big Mike
02-10-04, 10:39 AM
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink...when they wake up in the morning, that's the best they are going to feel all day."

Frank Sinatra

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger."

Gildor (LOTR - FOTR)

"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."

J.R.R. Tolkien

02-10-04, 11:52 AM
"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."

"Are we having fun yet ?"

02-10-04, 12:02 PM
"Alcohol is the solution to all of lifes problems" Homer Simpson

"Treat em mean to keep em Keen" Alex Daignault

02-10-04, 12:14 PM
I got a pickle, i got a pickle, i got a pickle today, hey hey

Nothing beats a buck and a duck.

The little rascles I love that movie.

02-10-04, 12:53 PM
"You get what you put in, and people get what they deserve." Kid Rock

02-10-04, 01:25 PM
Forgot one: "Come 2 daddy..." uncle Frank(Hellraiser)

and i also like to quote MYSELF on this one: "I'm theREALdeal !" hehehe, i say this all the time.

02-10-04, 01:58 PM
"Through the Looking Glass".

That poem, "The Walrus and the Carpenter" that's an indictment of organized religion. The walrus, with his girth and his good nature, he obviously represents either Buddha, or...or with his tusk, the Hindu elephant god, Lord Ganesha. That takes care of your Eastern religions. Now the carpenter, which is an obvious reference to Jesus Christ, who was raised a carpenter's son, he represents the Western religions. Now in the poem, what do they do...what do they do? They...They dupe all these oysters into following them and then proceed to shuck and devour the helpless creatures en masse. I don't know what that says to you, but to me it says that following these faiths based on mythological figures ensure the destruction of one's inner-being. Organized religion destroys who we are by inhibiting our actions...by inhibiting our decisions, out of...out of fear of some...some intangible parent figure who...who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says...and says, "Do it--Do it and I'll ****in' spank you!"

Big Mike
02-10-04, 02:00 PM
"Ah, Alcohol...the root of....and soulution to...all of life's problems"

Homer S.

02-10-04, 07:54 PM
"People who talk in metaphors oughta shampoo my crotch..."
-Jack Nicolson, As Good as it Gets'

02-10-04, 08:07 PM
Don't you wish You were Me... I know I do.
-Dudley Moore, "Arthur"

02-10-04, 08:39 PM
"Lifes not fair, get used to it" - Bill Gates

which is funny because i hate bill gates.

02-10-04, 09:03 PM
There are so many here is one.

"It was the end of the Earth year 2260, and the war had paused, suddenly and unexpectedly. .. All around us, it was as if the universe were holding its breath, waiting. All of life can be broken down into moments of transition or moments .. of revelation. This had the feeling of both."
"G'Quan wrote: 'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'" (JMS) Creator of Babylon 5

02-10-04, 10:01 PM
"Review every thing you've been taught. Discard any thing that's an insult to your soul. And begin again." - Walt Whitman

"I used to with "it", but then they changed what "it" was, and now what I'm with, isn't "it", and what is "it" seems weird and scary." - Abe Simpson

"It only takes one drink to get me loaded, the trouble is, I can't remember if it the thirteenth or the fourteenth." - George Burns

02-10-04, 10:48 PM
"I'm 'The Dude', man."

The Big Lebowski

02-11-04, 06:27 PM
did you kill any real people? no just cops!

02-11-04, 07:15 PM
"why did you eat my boots Mr Crabs?"
sponge bob square pants

02-11-04, 07:22 PM
Some sayings ive heard before,

"If Noah had been smart he would
have swatted those two flies."

"No one ever says, "It's only a game."
when their team is winning."

"If a thing is worth doing
it would have been done already."

"What if the Hokey Pokey
really is what it's all about?"

"People who say you can't buy happiness
just don't know where to shop."


"24 hours in a day
24 beers in a case
I think not!"

"I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian."

"You are not drunk
if you can lie on the floor
without holding on."

"Don't Drink and Drive
You might hit a bump and spill something."

"If at first you don't suceed
skydiving is not for you."

"I like cats too.
Let's exchange recipes."


"One good thing about alzheimer's is
you get to meet new people every day."

02-11-04, 07:26 PM
if this is inappropriate just either let me know and I'll change it or "edit it for content".

Homophobia is a social disease-----unknown

If being gay is a sickness lets all call in gay, "hello? yes boss, I can't come in today, I'm gay." ----unknown.

02-11-04, 08:52 PM

- Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

- I'm not depressed, it's just that you're ugly and that kinda bothers me. (Seen in my sigm but I'm posting it here because I'll be changing my sig soon, hehehe)

- I'm so goth, I got bitten by a vampire and HE turned into ME.

- I'm so goth, bats have little plastic ME's hanging in their caves.

- Help stamp out and erradicate superfluous redundancy.


- "It's funny... little things used to mean so much to Shelley. I used to think they were sort of trivial. Believe me.... NOTHING is trivial." - Brandon Lee, from "The Crow"

- "I used to think I died and went to hell. This isn't hell, but you can see it from here." - Eric Draven from the original graphic novel of The Crow. (Not seen in the movie.)

- (bad guy doesn't believe his friend told Eric Draven where to find him.) "I would have brought his toes as evidence, but I'm afraid he had to eat those too." - Original graphic novel of The Crow.

(seeing a theme here? hehehe)

I have many other favorite phrases from some of my favorite Atheistic philosphers and writers, but for the sake of not spawning a religious debate, I will not post them here. :)

02-11-04, 08:59 PM
"relationships never end the right way, otherwise they woudn't end!"
Tom Cruise (Cocktail)

"Coffee is a terrible drug... it keeps you awake"
Can not remember where i got this one from

"When things go right; it's HIS work. When things go wrong; HE moves in misterious ways...pf, please!"
the Devil (End of days)

02-11-04, 09:01 PM
"if something doesn't fit hit it with a hammer, if that doesn't work get a bigger hammer"-Jesse James

02-11-04, 09:27 PM
"Buy the ticket, take the ride." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

"Do they pay you to **** that bear?" - Thompson's attorney in Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

"...ironically the flesh of the vegetarians tasted best." - Mine from my yet to be published book on cannibalism as a form of political activism.

02-11-04, 09:30 PM
It is better I think to reach for the stars than to sit flustered because you know you cannot reach them...At least he who reaches will get a good view, a good stretch, and perhaps even a low hanging apple for the effort. ~Montolio R.A Salvatore

Liquor's drunkened me. ~Homer Simpson

02-11-04, 09:56 PM
The BIg Lebowski definately has wicked quotes....
"Nobody F@#ks with da Jesus!"

02-11-04, 10:01 PM
Forgot this one... "Weebles wobble but never fall down".

02-13-04, 01:10 AM
"I'll stick this gun up your A** and pull the trigger till it goes click" - Jesus, The Big Lebowski
"Just admiring the shape of your skull" -Fear and Loathing
"It looked like a giant reptile zoo, and somone was giving booze to these animals" -Fear and Loathing
"Thats right.., keep eating.., little do you know your drawing ever closer to the poisoned doughnut.. 'there is a poisoned douhnut in there Smithers?'
'Err no sir I spoke to our lawers they consider it murder'
'DAMN THERE OILY HIDES,.. BRING HIM TO ME' " -Mr Burns the Simpsons
"Oh not the coroner, I'm so sick of that guy" -Dr Nick the Simpsons