View Full Version : where and when to look in Ottawa

02-08-04, 03:30 PM

I'm kind of new at this. I did a bit of field herping last year, and managed to find plenty of garter snakes, about 5 species of frogs (including a tree frog...very exciting), and a few newts. This coming season I'd like to find some things I haven't seen yet, so I'm doing some research now.

First, I'd like to find some turtles this year. Any advice on time of year or location? Second, what snake species can I expect to find within 50 miles or so of Ottawa? Are there any skinks in the area? I've read conflicting information about their range in Ontario. Finally, can anyone recomend a good field guide for herps or for Ontario wildlife in general?

Thanks for any information .

Roy G

02-08-04, 09:46 PM

Well I have found many many interesting species.. Real close.. I found a few milsnakes in the Aylmer-Hull area .. near the Ottawa river where the biking trails are ..

Red bellied snakes and garter s can be found pretty much anywhere in Ottawa..

A bit further.. MURPHY"S POINT My dream place for herps . I go heret like every two weekend .. its about an 80 minute trip .. 10 minutes south of Perth ..

These are the species I have found just at this park ..

Garter snakes..
green snakes
Northern water snakes
Red bellied snakes..
BLACK RAT snakes.. there a good amount ..

Turtles.. tones of Snappers and painteds.. and one red eared slider GRRRR there many more there like blandings and maps and musks but never seen any

Frogs .. One billion frogs! There too many .. everything from Greyu tree frogs to bulls to leopards to the little brown ones .. name fogets me .. and american toads..

Salamders.. HEAVEN FOR THEM there.. Blue spotted .. efts.. Leadback red back salamders .. and one more.. i think the yellow spotted..

Hmmm .. lots of other wildlife too from quail to deer to turkey voltures.. and more reptiles wich I am not thinking about ..

As for Lizards .. We defenetly have some .. u just got to know where to loook fer em .. I found 6 five line skinks at my friends cottage.. - fogot the locality .. (Its near Mosquito lake if that helps) ...

Hope it helps..

Never had much luck in Mer Bleu bog but found many things at the Stoneys swamps and the gatineau parks..

Take care