View Full Version : Babies colors??

02-08-04, 12:16 AM
Are crested geckos colors like the leopard geckos. Like if you breed a normal with a normal you can only get a normal? Or I read somewhere that it does not matter what color the parents are (unless they come from a LONG line of certian color) the babies can come out just about any color. How true is that?? I have 1.1 and am looking forward to breeding this year. I'm just wondering what colors might come out. I bought them both from a petstore about a year or so ago, so I don't even know their ages.

02-08-04, 10:52 AM
Polymorphism - a breeder's nightmare.

Basically, if an ancestor had a particular colour or pattern, you can expect it to show up again, no matter what the current parents look like. You can increase the odds of getting a particular colour by line breeding, but it's still not guaranteed. It would take many generations to 'breed out' the other colours and patterns, but it is possible. Since cresties have only been bred in captivity for a relatively short time, it's not yet been refined to the point where we can guarantee what the offspring will look like.

To give you an idea of how unpredictable Polymorphism can be, here's a chart I made up last year. I've always meant to add more offpsring pictures, but never got around to it. There is enough though to show what can happen.


02-08-04, 03:48 PM
Thanks. I found that on here last night in a different post, after I posted. It's neat. I personally am glad for the whole "what colors going to come out" thing. I would love to own a bright red crested, and when I can affored on the shippings too much or no one has one. And when I can't afford it everyone comes out with them! I take it that those are yours?? Very nice.

02-23-04, 07:22 PM
whats consist though through the ancestory there i see from the grandmothe to the mother it keeps the spots but when you look at the babys there is no tratits that the grandmother had in them i dont understand how that makes a point is there something im missing in the diagram?