View Full Version : Unsual behaviour

Jeff Hathaway
02-07-04, 06:28 PM
Today I saw one rat snake crawling on top of another one in a manner I could only describe as a mating attempt. The unusual part- the snake in question has been probed and determined to be female. Now it wouldn't be the first time a mistake was made regarding a snakes' sex, but I was fairly sure this snake had laid a clutch of slugs in the past. Later in the day, the same snake produced a slug, and she still has several more inside to lay. So undoubtably, it is a female. I've heard of male snakes attempting to mate with other males, but never females attempting to mate (in the male role) with other females! Has anyone ever seen anything like this before?

Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!

02-08-04, 06:19 AM
This behavior is something I see more and more with my animals here. The monitors to it a lot, and it is directly related to dominance. I wonder if snakes are the same?

Thanks for sharing, Jeff. That is kinda neat :)


02-17-04, 06:06 PM
I've seen it...
I think the last time was between Britney and Madonna :)

02-18-04, 04:01 PM

02-18-04, 04:13 PM
I've always wanted to watch two "females" go at it!!! :bugged:

oh wait..hold up..we are talking about rat snakes...nevermind...lol