View Full Version : How much air flow is best?

02-06-04, 08:10 PM
Really curious on this one .. How much airflow is ggod in an incubatpr .. mine is basically a large wooden box heated adn has a fan with 2 laarge containers ( no holes) with water and 2 smaler containers (has holes) on the inside..

Tx in advance


02-06-04, 08:21 PM
Hi Dom,

I have no air flow in the Medium "Stand up" freezer incubator I made, I decided not to use fans for 2 reasions.

1. I wanted a graduation of temperatures- Different kinds of eggs

2. I thought about natural (wild) monitor burrows and snake nesting sites, and figured that IMO they do not have much
Air flow or circulation

Good Luck

02-06-04, 08:53 PM
Hey Brian .. The reason for the air flow in my case is simple and its for only one reason .. steady temps all around the incubator..

There is no air flow in the container containing the water (theres no airholes).. nor in the container inside that container..

I understand your reasoning.. although i am incubating the same species. so I am just stilll curious to know ..

Tx anyway Brian
