View Full Version : growth rates

02-06-04, 12:21 AM
I ma new to rhacs. I have a 5 month old crested and an 8 month old gargoyle. I was just wondering what good sizes for these ages would be. Mine seem small, but, again, I am new to rhacs.
I will post pics soon

D Healey
02-06-04, 01:26 PM
Most gargoles are generally the same size aprox 6 inches snout to vent however they grow slower than cresteds the tend to be a chunkier gecko though. With crested geckos sizes and other aspects such as crestes and the legth of the tail vary sometimes quite drastictly i hpoe this helps however if you need more info on cresteds i would suggest checking out the care info at sandfiredragonranch.com