View Full Version : meal worm beatles

02-05-04, 04:34 PM
I tried giving my sav some mealworms and he was totally uninterested...i think he like eating things that run around causs he absolutly loves crix...so if i bought meal worms and on purpose let them become beatles, could i feed them to the sav? Another question, since i know jack about them, is can the beatles climb walls or escape easily...if a cricket cant get out of the tank can the beetle? And last but not least, do the beatles burrow or hide or anything or will the sav easily spot them. Since they have a hard outer shell, to much is not good right causs of digesting and all that stuff?

02-05-04, 04:44 PM
meal worm beetles are safe to feed to reptiles, i'v done it many times, for my sav too. The beetles can not climb slick walls, like plastic or glass, even rough things like cardboard or skin, they dont climb good at all and they are very clumbsy, they can't even fly. The beetles might burrow a little bit but will come out of the dirt, they might lay eggs in the dirt too, i dont know if you would want this or not because you'll have little meal worms in the cage now. Maybe it would be best to feed the sav the beetles in a seperate cage or put the beetles in an escape proof bowl.

02-05-04, 07:06 PM
ok thank you very much....i think when i want to feed them to him ill just put him in a rubbermade with a couple...does it matter how much i give him or will he digest them just fine....?

02-05-04, 07:13 PM
i dont think it matters...but i dont know, perhaps dont give him more than 12 and dont give them to him too often

02-05-04, 07:14 PM
k thank you very much for the help!

02-05-04, 07:17 PM

reptile boi
02-05-04, 07:22 PM

I dont really think he will eat it as darkling beetles will emit a smell (when threatened) that might discourage your monitor.


02-05-04, 07:33 PM
Kill the beetles then! If he won't eat dead food, I highly recommend a vibrating dish.

02-05-04, 08:06 PM
i'v never had a problem feeding any of my lizards the beetles, they always gobble them up too fast for the beetles to get scared and emit any smell. Maybe if the other beetles see the predator they will emit the smell, so feed one at a time?

02-23-04, 10:39 PM
Hey bartman, what is the little guy's name?

02-23-04, 11:15 PM
Taz :)

02-24-04, 09:40 PM
How old? How heavy? How long? You have'nt mentioned him in a while. Good luck with the little squirt!:D

02-24-04, 10:22 PM
Id say hes almost 6 months old, no idea how heavy (prob 200 g, no idea though) and looking really good...i fed him some live pinkies i got at the show..froze 5 and fed him another 5 over 2 days with some other stuff...ive really fattened him up nicely :) Hes still scared of me and hides a lot...but everysingle morning right when the lights turn on a couple mins later and i spot him on his basking spot thermoregulating..so i try to to let him see me and watch him for a little before school :)

thanks for the concern!

02-26-04, 01:18 PM