View Full Version : Bad Gator Keepers?

02-05-04, 08:39 AM
The other day my brother was telling me about this school he's been working at. There is this one classroom that has an alligator in a fishtank, and he said that the tank is barely as long as the alligator. Is this alright? I dont know anything about keeping gators, but this didnt sound like the best enclosure for one. He said the gator was about 3 ft long and probably wouldnt be able to turn around, even if he wanted to.

02-05-04, 03:57 PM
I would consider that animal cruelty and report it. Happening in a school makes it even worse. What do they teach???

02-05-04, 05:04 PM
If it truly is in that small of an enclosure, perhaps a freindly phone call can be made and the situation adressed first hand instead of based on he said/she said...If funds are lacking by the class room to house it perhaps a fund-raiser for the gator can be generated by the class..

02-05-04, 06:48 PM
Good idea Campbell. I am going to go up there next week to see for myself. Right now I am just going by what my brother told me, but I deem him a reliable source. :) I'm going to take my digital camera too. We always go in after hours, so I should have no problem getting in to see it.

My brother said it was a baby alligator, but the more I think about it, its probably a full grown caiman. I'll see when I get there.