View Full Version : Anti-Venin

One More Herper
02-04-04, 09:54 PM
Does anyone here know the non-emergency number to phone in Canada, to find out the nearest source of anti-venom in an area. Just curious,


02-04-04, 11:44 PM
Your best bet would be calling any Poison Control Centre and they would be able to advice you.

This page http://www.mpshu.on.ca/EnvironmentalHealth/rattlesn.htm
indicates two places that carry limited amounts of antivenin.

Jeff Hathaway
02-05-04, 01:19 AM

Can you be more specific? Any particular species? Is there a purpose in mind?

All hospitals in Ontario have access to antivenin for rattlesnake bites. Not all of them keep it in stock, but those near where rattlesnakes live do so. Beyond that, I think only the Toronto Zoo and Indian River Reptile Zoo maintain additional stocks of antivenin for other species.

Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!

02-05-04, 09:37 AM
While i am not in Canada, i assume things work about the same there. For Crotalid envenomations, it is usually just a matter of calling alot of hospitals to see who has CroFab. For exotic snakes, I think zoos would be the best bet. We are lucky to have the Venom One unit here int he states, but they do service the entire world and I believe that they have delivered up there before, but not sure.