View Full Version : Cage Cleanliness

02-02-04, 11:34 PM
I'm going insane!

I'm having issues contemplating a cham cage.

I was looking at cages, and I'm obviously, as I stated, getting a screen cage:

How do you friggen clean the cages? And and if you choose to have a substrate like moss, don't the crickets get away? And like, where do the cricket's go? Do you just let them loose in the screen cage?

My head hurts lol This is what happens when you leave the snake area.


02-03-04, 12:28 AM
Well I am not sure why you would use moss. The crickets would indeed never be found. You can simply use newspaper or paper towel...and for something more natural multch would work as well and be less of a hiding spot for crickets.

But most people don't always let them run loose in the cage. You create a feeding bucket and the chams eat out of that but the crickets cannot get out. A two liter with the top part cut off works well for this. Gus eats veggies, worms and crickets out of this. I do also give him some free range food but doing most of it in the feeder keeps escapes to nill.


02-03-04, 12:56 AM
Marisa do you have any pics of your feeding bucket?

02-03-04, 01:28 AM
Hmmm not really..best I can do is show you this photoshop I drew...and a pic that kinda show it...

<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/Reptiles/gus/2gus08-20-03.jpg">
<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/Reptiles/gus/bucket.jpg">


02-03-04, 01:54 AM
And and if you choose to have a substrate like moss, don't the crickets get away?

When i had my Chams, i just used Peel and Stick tiles from the dollar store.. Although they were'nt 'Natural' looking, they were easy as anything to clean, just wipe em off basically.. The problem with substrate is not only will the crix hide in it, but the chams are also likely to ingest the moss or bark whatever.. And that's not fun at all..

02-03-04, 02:19 AM
if your cage has a nice bottom just wipe it up, some of my cages are planted soo i just pick up there poop when needed most chams tend to get on a ruteen and will poop in the same stop most of the time. i have started using news paper on the wood bottomes cages foe easy clean up too.

02-03-04, 11:26 AM
I use moss. It keeps the humidity for me. It looks nice. The crix do hide, but they come out at some point.....making the hunt more fun I think. And I see no problems with eating moss. It is fresh, non treated moss from the woods, dysinfected by boiling it for a while. Veileds eat vegitation.
For the true free roamers I put scrap paper where they go often. Works fine for me

02-03-04, 12:05 PM
I use a 260 gallon reptarium ( i would prefer a nice screen cage, but who can pass up free) anyway... In the past month or two i noticed neo likes to poo in the pots (for plants) so it makes clean up pretty easy.

If you were to get that cage pictured i personaly wouldn't put any substrate in there, it looks pretty easy to wipe off.

I free roam and cup feed, I try to free roam the crix. and the rest gets the cup, unless neo is having problems catching them then i'll rip a few back legs off and put them in the feeding cup. I got the cups at a petstore, they are made for bird cages but they fit perfectly on the bendable branches. I'm attaching a pic so you can see. The one farthest away is for food and the closest one is water ( i do continue to mist him at least 2 times daily) It's just there if he decieds he wants to use it.



02-03-04, 01:11 PM
Thanks you guys, all your answers have been superb :)

02-03-04, 07:03 PM
tiles are great, i usually dont like unnatural things, but believe it is the best idea ever, no one really cares how it looks at the bottom, just at eye view point......in my opinion
