View Full Version : moths

02-02-04, 05:33 PM
i have a moth problem in my house, for some reason there every where. They come up in my room too, they usually just atach to the wall and die. But today i was cleaning my pacman's cage and a moth flew out. It was the only one in there luckily, do you think moths can hurt him in any way?

02-02-04, 05:35 PM
i don't think so but im no expert

reptile boi
02-04-04, 06:07 PM
wut kinda moths? r they really tiny? If they are, i have the same problem too, they dont pose much of a problem to ur critters, but they can get into all your clothes n drawers n b kinda annoying (their caterpillars will make a silky cocoon on any fabric/wool. If u have a betta, the grubs would make an excellent treat for it.


02-04-04, 06:26 PM
thanks Ben, they are the tiny moths, luckily i havn't had much of a problem with them at all. Sometimes they get around my face but i also have 4 cats which love to eat them. I bet if my pacman saw the moth he would eat it

Double J
02-04-04, 10:44 PM
They are likely indian meal moths...
I had an infestation in my old house. They are tiny brown moths with whitish/yellow larvae that you will find in flour, sugar, any dry goods in the cupboards, and even on walls and ceilings. They drop down from the ceilings as well using a silky line. I actually fed the larvae to my dart frogs when I found them, and they were chowed down without a second thought. I thought about culturing them as another foood for my frogs... but I could just imagine the nightmare that could potentially cause in our new house.
Good luck with your little guy.
Double J