View Full Version : My new corns (pics)

09-02-02, 08:09 PM
Some pics of the 2 new female corns I picked up at the Red Deer show. Not great pics, but the first pics I take while moving between travelling box and cage always seem to be fuzzy. Will take better ones in a week or so.

<img width="500" height="469" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/PhotoLoft/Asset20/2002/09/02/10057/10057158_0_9143.fpx,0,0,1,1,500,469,FFFFFF">
Yearling snow corn hiding in a small Pringles can. She was in a 1.1 pair, and now I really wish I'd picked up the male as well. Hindsight, 20/20. ;)

<img width="480" height="344" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/PhotoLoft/Asset20/2002/09/02/10057/10057177_0_6286.fpx,0,0,1,1,480,344,FFFFFF">
The snow again.

<img width="424" height="424" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/PhotoLoft/Asset20/2002/09/02/10057/10057161_0_6854.fpx,0,0,1,1,424,424,FFFFFF">
3 year old butter (in shed).

<img width="585" height="409" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/PhotoLoft/Asset20/2002/09/02/10057/10057162_0_3193.fpx,0,0,1,1,585,409,FFFFFF">
And the butter again.


09-02-02, 08:17 PM

09-02-02, 09:10 PM
Very nice

09-02-02, 10:57 PM
Very nice looking snakes.

09-02-02, 11:05 PM
Very nice!
I didn't know that they had butters there!

09-03-02, 06:18 AM
Thanks all. :)

Simon: As fas as I know, she was one of only 2 there... and the other was one of her hatchlings I believe (also a caramel hatchling there). Very happy I got her... can hardly wait until she sheds!

Now if I can just find myself a blizzard girl, and a male caramel or butter, I won't need anymore corns for awhile (not like that will probably STOP me or anything... *lol*)
