View Full Version : computer help!!

02-01-04, 06:12 PM
ok i have windows 98. i am having a problem with aol. everythi9ng will be working and the websites will be loading really quick and then the websites will start taking like 5 minutes to load. and then that blue screen will pop up that says blah blah blah press control alt delete again to rwstart computer(srry dont remember what it says) so if you push a key to go back to the computer ll these end program boxes will pop up. Then after a couple of them one will never go away no matter how many times you press end know so then i will have to restart the computer:-( And also if aol stops working i press ctrl alt delete and then it always says wupdater isn't working. it is really frustrating me. Will reformatting or reloading windows help. please help me thanks.

02-01-04, 06:14 PM
Well would need to know what the error message on your system (the blue screen).
Also, when exactly does it do it? anything in particular you run before it does that?

02-01-04, 06:39 PM
i think it says the following application needs to be terminated. It will just do it randomly.

02-01-04, 06:46 PM
If it were me i would reformat. Doesnt take very long, but it sucks if you dont have another hard drive to save all your goodies on.

This is just my opinion though. :)

02-01-04, 06:55 PM
i dont know how to reformat so if someone could tell me how that would be great.

02-01-04, 07:33 PM
go to windows and get the critical updates, you will need them if your running win 98

02-01-04, 08:09 PM
how do i get the critical updates

02-01-04, 08:36 PM
go to the windows update, start menu on your computer scroll down to windows update, get all critical updates

02-01-04, 08:51 PM
internet explorer pops up and internet explorer wont connect from my computer:-( thanks anyway thogugh

02-02-04, 02:33 PM
can ne1 help me or tell me how to reformat. But if i reformat i will lose programs that i dont have the disk for how can i keep them from going bye bye

02-02-04, 02:38 PM
if you reformat you will losse everything. Only thing to do is to make copies of what you want to keep by either burning them on CD or on a floppy disk. as for how to reformat, I myself want to do this too, and am not sure how that works... you could also just try reinstalling your Windows CD and see if that helps...

02-02-04, 02:46 PM
BSD (blue screen of death) is a common problem with Windows 98/ME. The solution I went with was to upgrade to XP.

02-02-04, 03:45 PM
Scan for viruses first. Reformatting is a last resort. I would also recommend an OS upgrade. Is it actually restarting your computer, or is it just shutting down a specific program?

02-02-04, 04:08 PM
it doesn't restart the computer and it doesn't usually shutdown a program just alot of errors pop up. if i do reformat i am gonna load in 2000. should i just upgrade o/s and see if that helps.

02-02-04, 04:11 PM
Ony format as your last resource.

Next time you get the blue screen, note everything on a piece of paper and let us know. Many times, the problem can be an incompatibility betwen programs. In some cases, it may be memory stick fault or even a defective cluster on a hard drive. The possibilities are numerous, I need the exact error message and how often it pops up, and what you do right before it pops up.

02-02-04, 04:54 PM
ok next time it pops up i will note it but it hasn't poped up in awhile now aol just stops loading webpages and i will have to restart aol. Most of the problems i have happen when aol is running but not all of them.

02-02-04, 05:10 PM
here is what i would do if i were you . reinstall windows 98 or greater ( win2000 or XP ) and change your isp (internet service provider) . A lot of clients i had before had problems with aol and we had to ask client to either change their isp or we could not help them .

Another suggestion is to stop watching p0rn :P ( disregard that if you dont )

02-03-04, 06:02 PM
ok heres what it said A fatal exception OD has ocured at 0000:00000000. he current applicaton wil be terminated

02-03-04, 07:05 PM
ok just got another 1 but the number was different the number was


02-03-04, 07:51 PM

First off, anytime there is an 0D or fatal exception error, it almost always relates to whats going on in the memory. The best place to start is to replace your memory with some memory you just happen to have laying around. Ok.. now since you probably dont have memory laying around the best place to start is to make a couple suggestions and if one sounds applicable to your situation, someone can give you some further info.

- go through your add/remove programs and get rid of anything you dont use. clutter is bad.. 'specially with win98

- kill all those programs that are probably loading up on statup (icons in the bottom left corner of your taskbar) again clutter=bad plus those things usually eat up bunches of Virtual memory

- defrag

- full scandisk

- get updates

before thinking of upgrading your OS, what are your system specs? processor speed, current memory, Hard drive size etc.

I'm tryn' to byte my lip about AOL as an isp...

computers can be built cheap too

hopefully this starts you out in the right direction...
I'm a little rusty.. so .. ya know...


02-03-04, 08:06 PM
To prevent most of your applications from loading at start-up, you can go to :
System Tools
System Information
Once this program appears, go to:
Configuration Utility System
Once in start-up, unclick anything you don't use anymore.
You can unclick everything EXCEPT:
Load Powerprofile
Scan Registry
System Tray

You can start by doing this, what this does is disable the programs to load up on your windows session once you boot.
There are also some programs you can download to test your memory before replacing it...... download simmtester, it's free runs in dos mode. Only prob is it takes around 30 minutes to perform the tests. But at leats you know if it's your memory stick that is defective or not.

02-04-04, 02:53 PM
thanks guys i changed startup items and sofar so good but ill keep you updated. hard drive is 40 gb, memory 256, processor speed is around 1200 mhz, ( i think. it is lik 2 years old it is an amd duron. i think its a duron)

02-05-04, 12:09 AM
Your actually pretty good with what you have. I would personally like a bit more memory and hard drive space but I do a lot of graphics based stuff and i tend to pack rat stuff (thank you god for my 250gb hds :) ) Anyways.. theres no reason your computer should be acting up based on your system specs.. sounds most likely to be software.

Keep in mind that with win98 its still a good idea to defrag on a somewhat regular basis (every month or two unless you install/uninstall a lot). I think that all my win98 computers ran much better when i kept up on this.

good luck with it
