View Full Version : Help! KSB hasn't eaten in 3 weeks....

02-01-04, 04:44 PM
am I just being paranoid? I know w/ Ball Pythons going off feed this time of year can be normal. What about KSBs? Is it possible he's just reacting to the cooler weather? Right before he stopped eating he was extremely active (more than usual) - all over the tank, even climbing the plants to the top of the tank and hanging out on top of the 3D background wall. Since then he's not been that active - just his normal self (other than not eating).

Here's some info(He's 7 months old) :

12/22/03 shed, 32g, 11.5 inches
12/23/03 ate 1 FT fuzzy
12/29/03 36grams
12/30/03 ate 1 FT fuzzy
1/7/04 38grams
1/10/04 ate 1 FT fuzzy
1/14/04 refused FT fuzzy
1/21/04 refused FT fuzzy
1/25/04 thought maybe he looked a little blue underneath, added humid hide. He's mostly been in there since
1/31/04 36grams, refused 1 FT fuzzy

Looking back over my notes, I had lowered the temps in his tank. Temps starting to reach 99-100 degrees in his tank, but he mostly stayed on the warm side and was only occasionaly on the cooler side. After lowering the temps (got down to 92) is when he seemed to stop eating. Now he seems to always be on the warm side. Perhaps the lower temp stimulated some burmating type behavior? Others had previously suggested that perhaps my little guy just likes it hotter and maybe I should try upping the temps again.

Any advice would be appreciated.


02-01-04, 08:56 PM
If the temps weere that hot and he had the freedom to move off the heat and didn't then I wouldn't worry about it. Sometimes we need to take some cues from our animals. If they are spending all of their time one the hot side then they are too cold. If they are spending all of their time on the cold side then they are too hot. In this case maybe your ambiant is too cold.
When the hot side was 99-100 he spent all his time there. You lowered it to 92 and he still spends all his time there. Sounds to me like your cool side may be too cool.

02-02-04, 06:57 AM
Opps. Think I may have misexplained. When the temps were high he was on both sides, but since they are lower I only see him on the warm side. I know I'm not there all day (have to work unfortunately), but I check on my snakes frequently when I get home and wake up a few times during the night and check on them.

Thanks Trevor!