09-02-02, 06:06 PM
Here is the cage I just built this weekend. the photos are from my web cam and they suck pretty bad so here is a quick explaination of the photos.
The cage is a modified old aquarium with steel edges. it measures 12 x 12 x 30 I have no idea on the actual volume.
at the top left is my hot side guage, it moniters the air and ground temps. going towards the right is a 1/4" thick glass shelve mounted to make more use of the space. Then there is a ghost wood log that goes from the shelve to the ground. then on the far Right is th another gauge, it does the same for the cold side plus monitors humidty. on the ground level there is a hide box at each end filled with Sphagnum moss, and going from left to right is a piece of cork bark, a water dish with an air stone in it, and then a brazil nut pod. And the substrate itself is eco-earth. I had to use one brick to get a layer that thick.
The door is 1/8" thick arylic and because it is so flexible I had to use 5 barrel bolts on the bottom. in the bottom left corner you can see an airline running into the substrate dam. That runs to the airstone in the water dish to keep fresh air inside and help keep the humidty up.
I'll take some better pics later with my camera...because these pics just are aweful! this is the pic with the light off.
Guh why do quickcams take lousy photos lol
The cage is a modified old aquarium with steel edges. it measures 12 x 12 x 30 I have no idea on the actual volume.
at the top left is my hot side guage, it moniters the air and ground temps. going towards the right is a 1/4" thick glass shelve mounted to make more use of the space. Then there is a ghost wood log that goes from the shelve to the ground. then on the far Right is th another gauge, it does the same for the cold side plus monitors humidty. on the ground level there is a hide box at each end filled with Sphagnum moss, and going from left to right is a piece of cork bark, a water dish with an air stone in it, and then a brazil nut pod. And the substrate itself is eco-earth. I had to use one brick to get a layer that thick.
The door is 1/8" thick arylic and because it is so flexible I had to use 5 barrel bolts on the bottom. in the bottom left corner you can see an airline running into the substrate dam. That runs to the airstone in the water dish to keep fresh air inside and help keep the humidty up.
I'll take some better pics later with my camera...because these pics just are aweful! this is the pic with the light off.
Guh why do quickcams take lousy photos lol