View Full Version : Get to know your OTTAWA and area herpers!

02-01-04, 10:11 AM
Hey ..

I see a few more ppl from this area .. so basically just seing who these ppl are! .. Post your collection a bit about yourself.. Pics maybe?

Well I'm dom .. been keeping herps for about 5 years now .. maybe a bit more.. my main passions are pythons and monitors..

I keep the following..

1.2 coastal carpets
1.1 Jungle carpets
1.0 Irian Java carpets
1.1 African rocks
1.1 Colombian boas
2.0 Snow bulls
1.0 Savana monitor
0.0.1 Mexican red nee tarantula..

I have worked for 2 1/2 years and still work at Little Rays .. kept many different species but ended up keep only the animals I trully love - main reason . I have no room lol 90% of all my animals are adults except my last year babies..

This year I am breeding my coastals.. (one just ovulated) .. my jungles (still breeding) .. my rock soon .. considering the boas.. might sell ..

Anywho .. always nice to know about ppl in the area

take care

View my gallery for pics .. I have tons and many more to come

02-01-04, 10:22 AM
There's an ottawa area herpgroup, can't remember the url for them.

02-01-04, 10:50 AM
.. Tx Lisa.. but Ill just leave it at.. hmmm not my type of ppl .. Joined the herp group too a long time ago here. but unfortunetly there was a bad apple that ruined it for me .. I hear he is gone though . Might check it out again soon enough


02-01-04, 10:53 AM
i am joey noname... i like short walks on the beach and semi-melted ice cream.. i like when the wind blows through my spring jackets and makes it look like i have somewhat of a cape on... and i like when it blows through my hair but not when it knocks my cap off.. .err.. anywayz..
i've been keeping herps for 3-4 yrs.. but catching them since i was a small kid..
i currently have...

1.1 Amazon Tree boas (i am hoping the female is gravid..)
2.0 Crested Geckos (bring on the ladies...)
1.2.2 cornsnakes..
0.1 savannah monitor
1.0 kenyan sandboa
1.0 columbian rainbow boa
1.0 ball python
1.0 tokay gecko
0.1 black rat snake (yes.. i do have a permit)
1.0 yellow anaconda
1.0 brown anole
1.0 Coastal Carpet (thanks dom)

02-02-04, 05:38 AM
Hey Dom,

Guess I will speak up ;)

I have been consumed by my snakes for a 1 and 1/2 years. The list is long, the snakes are healthy and the rats are abundant. Mainly into kings but a few others on the list as well. I am sure Kelvin showed you the collection last time you were here. Drop by for a visit some time.

Follow the link for the collection



02-02-04, 06:12 PM

Name's Roy. I'm relatively new to herps. I got my first corn in the summer, and I got a bull snake last week. I'm a frequent visitor at Ray's, and you know me Dom...I've got the 4 year old girl (Rebecca) and 2 year old boy (Jason) I bring out about every second weekend.

I like most snake species, and a few lizards. Due to money and space constraints I'm growing my collection slowly. My wife and I agreed we'd stick with the two until we get a house or until next year...whichever comes first. Next purchase will be some kind of carpet. Dream snake: Bredl's python, but they have to get a bit cheaper first. Right now I'd just like to get more experience with whatever I can get my hands on as often as I can.

Roy G

02-02-04, 06:24 PM
Jim .. You do have a nice collection .. Kelvin showed me a few last time I was there.. Ill have to drop by soon enough and catch up ..

Roy . sorry man .. I have the worst memory imaginable .. especially at Little rays .. I see just too many ppl there..

Bredl's are on my top list too ,,

Take care

02-02-04, 06:41 PM
Well here I am. They call me Donny and I have actually taken up residence in Hull. I enjoy mountain Biking and Supersport motercycle racing. I do not keep too much at the moment but here's the list;

1.1 tokays
1.1 rock pythons
1.2 veilds
2.2 ball pythons
0.1 amazon tree boa
2.1 macklotts
0.1 APBT
0.1 cuteis girlfriendus

I try to keep most of my pets breeding...especially the GF. If anyone in Ottawa if ever lookin for someone to have a few with and rap about herps drop me a line.


02-02-04, 06:46 PM
My name is Andy. I don't live directly in Ottawa but I live in Kemptville, a solid 25 minute drive away from the Nepean area. I've been into reptile keeping for many years but actually got somewhat serious about it about a year ago. I currently own

0.1 Albino California King
0.0.1 Black Milk
1.0 Volcano Corn
0.1 Ball
1.0 IJCP

All I really want to add to my collection right now is another black milk so I can breed once I know the gender of the one I have. Reason being I am fairly young and plan on going to University. I have someone lined up to take care of them if i have to go away for a little while but he has somewhat limited room.

If anyone wants to drop in and see my small but nice collection shoot me an email or pm!

02-02-04, 09:52 PM
Hey Donny ... How have u been!

Never knew you had rocks .. how big are yours??

MY girl is 13 and a half and a good 70 pounds - my male is about 7 feet - 12 pounds...

How are their temperments.. You going to the show?

Andy .. Nice to meet u man .. Nice little collection but not really into collubrids myself..

Take care guys


02-02-04, 10:28 PM

I just recently picked up the rocks. They came in on a partial trade for my green anaconda. They are still pretty small. The girl is about 8' and the male only 4'. Nasty as hell. Makes things interesting though. You can pop by and see them if you like in March. I am heading south for about 3 or 4 weeks to catch the Daytona 500 and to hopefully do some herping. I would like to see your rock again.....I think I saw her when she was about 8'. Is she a little agressive as well?

Ciao fer now-----DONNY

02-02-04, 11:04 PM
Dom: No problem. I have just about the worst memory as well, and you do get a lot of people through there. If it helps, last time I was out you let me keep Molly for a while after a failed feeding. In any case, I'll introduce myself next time I'm by.


02-03-04, 06:05 PM
I'm Martin, I'm herpless though these days but I still take part in the forums once in a while. I had around 15 leopard geckos and some leopard frogs. I used to catch snakes and lizards as a child. My best catch was a praying mantis that I found hanging out on my kitchen wall. I'm studying 1st year psychology at Carleton. It's very interesting.


02-03-04, 06:30 PM

Do u plan on keeping your rocks? Just curious.. Mine are mean as hell as well although my female is becoming less agressive as she grows .. she used to strike glass just seing something move but now she might hiss if I open the door and if I touch her will just push back with her body .. Hopefully shell tame down eventually although I don't handle her anymore unless I have too and someone else is there with me .. shes alwasy been my baby..

RWG: Ring s a bell now .. I think I can put your name to a face.. as for catching me there.. I got a new job with steady and garanteed hours so .. I doubt it .. I only work one shift every two weeks now :( Money will make u do that..

Martin .. Nice to meet u man ..

02-03-04, 07:42 PM
Hello everyone, my name is Geoff.

I am 21 years old, and have lived in Ottawa most of my life. I grew up in Stittsville but now am living in Nepean. You can see what i am currently keeping in my signature, and i am getting a Nosy Be Panther chameleon later this month.

so dom, if you are working less at Ray's now, does this mean there is a job opening?...

I'd be down for a 'herp meet' if anybody else is up to it. Tough to find people to talk to about your herps that will actually know or care what you are talking about!


02-03-04, 09:37 PM
Lol Goeff ..

Yeah right .. I had to find a new job as the hours were lacking .. I would not leave a good job for no reason .. seasonal work unfortunetly

02-03-04, 10:08 PM
I am currently on a pit stop in New Brunswick until this fall. Ottawa will then be home.
I've been scrambling to keep up with Jim for the past year and a half. Simply Impossible.

I keep.
2.1 Pueblan Milk Snake
1.1 Sinaloan Milk Snake
1.1 Albino Nelsoni
1.1 Mexican Milk Snake
1.1 Conants Milk Snake
2.3 Honduran Milk Snake
1.2 Grey Banded King
1.0 Lavender Cal King
1.1 Corn
1.2 Black Milk Snake (As soon as the weather permits)

I think i may have been having a bad day Dom.


02-04-04, 02:11 AM
Brian, lmao

Keep trying bud,, keep trying!!!!!!

02-04-04, 10:12 AM

The rocks are definately keepers.

02-04-04, 12:04 PM
Does anyone else go to Carleton U in Ottawa? I wanted to take biology but it's too hard for me. I was also thinking of being a vet or a vet technician but that sounded too hard also, so I'm sticking with psych.

Nice seeing all these people from Ottawa. Geoff: I wouldn't mind an Ottawa gathering, but I'm no expert when it comes to herps. The only person I met in person is Brian. I bought some tanks from him, but ended up leaving the herp hobby behind so now they're sitting in my parents' basement doing nothing.


02-04-04, 02:39 PM
I love all herps, but I only keep turtles. That is the restriction put on by my better half. I moved back to Ottawa last year and I had to leave many of my turtles overseas. I have been keeping turtles for many years here is what I currently have:

2.3 RES
0.1 Florida Redbellied Cooter
0.0.3 Painted Turtle
0.1.1 Eastern Box Turtle
1.0 Chinese Golden Thread
0.0.4 Chinese Softshell
0.1 Indonesian Snakeneck
0.0.1 Yellewheaded Sideneck


02-04-04, 03:52 PM
Martin: You got rid of all your Geckos? Did you not have a few cal kings also?


02-04-04, 07:05 PM
Hey, Im Chris Tutecky, and Im from about 45 minutes south of Ottawa, from a small town called Spencerville (another 10 min south of Kemptville). Im in Ottawa right now at college, and my collection has shrunk accordingly. At one time I had about 37 lizards, ranging from Camalelons, to Green Tree Skinks to Armadillo Lizards, right up to anoles and Leopard geckos. I still have 1.2 leopards, 1 male giant day gecko( still looking for a female) and 1 male tokay gecko.

feel free to email me at gex_man@hotmail.com ( thats my real addy, not the one in my proflie).....anyone know of any herp shows in ottawa comin up?


02-04-04, 08:56 PM
Casacrow .. Awesome .. I hope u breed em' soon - Love to see some pics..

Martin .. I used to go to Ottawa U in Biology as well - did 2 years and then went to working full time .. It was simply too hard for me .. I guess school is not for everyone..

Classic.. Nice to talk to u again .. Why the bad day?

As for an Ottawa Show ... No reptile show anytime soon :(

Greetings to the others..


02-04-04, 10:00 PM
Dom....You can come see them in person whenever you wish. Always lookin for another herper to chill and have a few beers with.

02-04-04, 10:55 PM
Gimme your number.. Well do something this weekend if you'd want..

Or just call me 297-8855 .. A few beer sounds good mate..

Take care

02-05-04, 07:48 AM
I refering to the email i sent you. Ref: "Thanks for the turtle".
I was probley having a bad day because i was in ther middle of moving to NB.
Anyways, no big deal.


02-05-04, 08:08 AM
Dom, I'll give ya a shout in a couple of weeks. I am leaving for a long freakin' road trip to Key West tonight. I want to see yout big rocks as well.

02-05-04, 09:39 AM
Hello I'm Mardy,
I think I know most of you guys.
I got my first two snakes 14 years ago a couple kings and one ate the other. Now I work with mostly carpet pythons and monitors.
Opening a pet store this fall has been a challenge, and keeps me very busy. We have the largest selection of REPTILES (lots of boids)
in the Ottawa area.
Everything Fuzzy Petstore
757 Riverside dr. in Wakefield Quebec(20 min north of Ottawa)

Come by and say hi,


02-05-04, 11:26 PM
Brian: I wanted to get into snakes but I left the hobby before that happened. I'm hoping when I settle down somewhere I'll take it up again.
