View Full Version : Invertebrate room in the making

01-31-04, 02:14 PM
Here's my old room getting ready for the transformation,

01-31-04, 02:16 PM
Here's my workshop/kitchen. More pics will come as I progress.

01-31-04, 02:31 PM
It looks like it's going to turn out to be very nice! What is the wooden thing in the kitchen, is it going to be a rack? Good luck with your project. :)


01-31-04, 03:23 PM
Yes tammy, as you can see in this picture, one of them is finished. Please keep in mind that all glass aquariums will be used.

01-31-04, 03:29 PM
Lol hopefully you didn't do those on Wednesday night ;-)

Very nice job, will love to see the finished product with the decorated vivariums.


01-31-04, 03:50 PM
Siretsap, I actually working on them now and will be finished shortly...............Keep looking.

No I think that if I would've built them wednesday night, they'd be pretty crooked, lol

01-31-04, 07:42 PM
Here are the best pics I could take due to th small space i had to work with.

01-31-04, 07:44 PM
The room needs a bit more work and MORE tanks but here is the bascic of the layout.

01-31-04, 07:50 PM
Nice Job Rob!:D

01-31-04, 08:07 PM
Nice work man, I can't wait to see it filled with tanks.


01-31-04, 09:01 PM
looks great so far....something tells me there won't be much of that blue wall showing by the time its done!:)

01-31-04, 09:32 PM
very nice Rob!

So what does a man that can own any invert own lol

01-31-04, 09:43 PM
Nice. What's in the blue jars in the second-to-last pic?


01-31-04, 09:57 PM
Dom, My collection and breeding projects are concentrated on Brachypelma's and Poecilotheria's. I also collect/breed other species that are of interest to me. There are some with very nice colors, rare, etc.... that just don't do it for me. I had at one point wanted to collect every and all species available to me and had reached the 124 species (not specimens, lol) mark and I found that it wasn't what I really wanted in a collection. Once my room is better organized I will work on a list as to what i have in my collection as due to the moving of tanks etc, I have some of mine and my for sale ones all mixed together.
I checked out you pics as I had a feeling Dom was the Dom that I knew, lol. Your setups are k1ck a$$ buddy!!!!!!!!!! If you were in charge of setting up the A avicularia's as I'm sure you were, it must be impressive!

Dave, the blue jars are water munchies. Have you ever heard of that? It's water/jelly that is used to water crickets as they won't drown in it. They escentially eat it but it's water. It is also good for roaches. What's great about this is that you don't need a water bowl, you just dump some in the tank with your crickets.

My room is still far from finished, it should be some times in the next month or so. LOTS of stuff still needs to be done but at least it's workable now.

01-31-04, 11:02 PM
Yeah I have the same thing for my crickets known as Easy Water, its pretty good. Last few times I put in the moist paper towel a few got stuck under and died, sofar with this I have had one casualty within 2 weeks.


01-31-04, 11:54 PM

I was wondering if that was what they were. I have used them myself with scorpionlings.


02-01-04, 01:14 AM
woah nice setup...

02-01-04, 07:32 AM
Beautiful job, Rob!
Do you mind my asking where you are buying your aquariums from? I called around, and the local Petsmart has the best prices so far, about 13 dollars for 10 gallons.
I, too, will be working on a rack built for aquariums for that 'pet store look'! Then I get to look at the empty thing for like, YEARS, since the majority of my inverts are babies....boohoohoo....

Also, you know how those wood poles have printing on them one side? For my monitor cage, I just picked up a flapwheel sander for my rotary tool, and am going to sand off all the printing. I think it is a VAST improvement. I can't stand those ink marks.

Glad to see you're having fun!

02-01-04, 08:14 AM
Damn, the glass looks way better than the plastic plahouses... I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's all finished. Keep us updated with photos!

02-01-04, 09:00 AM
Bonjour Robert!

Yeah its the Dom u know lol .. I am the one who picked up the 10 pink toes, various species of centipedes and the scorps a few months back... There doing pretty well now ..

Thanks for the compliments on my set ups.. My reptile set ups have changed a bit though ... Ill post some pics soon enough.

I wish I had your passion for inverts although the only one I own is a mexican red knee that is now the size of a loonie lol I hate dealing with Crix .. can't wait till she eats mice.

Best of luck with your room .. keep us updated


02-01-04, 09:43 AM
Dave, Have water munchies worked well for your scorpionlings? Any particular reason you specified scorpionlings and not adults? I figure adults would'nt drown but would they go for it?
Dragoon, as for where I get the tanks, I unfortunately can't tell you, sorry. Nothing illiegal just can't say. I can however tell you that the 4 empty ones and the others that will fill the empty space where built custom for someone and turned out to be the wrong size therefor this particular person needed to liqudate them. They mersure 30x12x11high and are perfect for deviding in 3. as for the printing on the wood, I'm not worried as I have BIG plans for that, lol. Remember I said it wasn't fiished, lol? You'll just have to wait and see, muhahahaha.
Emily, what do you mean keep you updated with photos? You live right next door, lol. Not really but only 5 minutes or so.
Dom, What do you mean by "There doing pretty well now .. "? Wheren't they doing well at the begining? Are you going to the rept show on the 22th? I think BAZ is going, I don't know him personnaly but heard he was going, I thought you guys would go together.

02-01-04, 09:46 AM
Oh and dragoon, $13 is an amazing price for a 10 gallon as pet shops tend to sell them between 20 and 25 and beleive me, they make pennies off these things, they make their profit on other things, not tanks. But I figure you know this already, lol
Take care and yes I was having fun,lol. I guess I had tiold you about friday, lol?

02-01-04, 10:01 AM
Rob ..

Reason I say there doing pretty well is simple .. there not my animals lol So I am not the one taking care of them! .. They were in great shape to begin with lol Of course! I am now a part time employee at the zoo and have began a new job so .. I don't really take care for the animals anymore .. when I am there.. it's mainly just entertaining the public.

I have about 10 friends from Ottawa going down to the show.. so we're taking a few seperate cars .. Pretty sure Baz is going down too as I am.

The 10 ppl in Ottawa that have a collection bigger then a few leos and corns lol Man I wish there was more ppl in the area.

Take care man .. I'll see u there


02-01-04, 10:27 AM
Hey thanks for the info, Rob. It was my local Petsmart that has them at that price. I'm happy with my find then.

Ummm...please don't tell me you're going to paint the racks black?

This coming from a girl who just mounted two big purple and blue stuffed butterflys on the front of her monitor cage...eeee, they're so cute! I found them in the baby toys section of Walmart. Wish I could find some beanie baby T's. I love stuffies.

02-01-04, 12:31 PM
Yeah I can get tanks for that price, it is just the lids that are expensive.


02-01-04, 12:33 PM

It is hard to say whether the scorpions have been eating the cricket water. Theoretically, they should be able to (unlike Ts), but I don't know if they recognize it for what it is. What I can say is that I have yet to lose a scorpionling that I have housed with cricket water -- not a huge sample size, though, so I'll keep you posted.


02-01-04, 03:24 PM
Are you trying to tell me that you don't like my blue wall?? sniff sniff............

02-14-04, 01:57 PM
here's an up to date pic of my left wall
still a bit more to be done

02-14-04, 02:00 PM
Here's an up to date pic of my right wall.

02-14-04, 03:53 PM
Where do you set all the heating for them? Looks GREAT!

02-14-04, 04:33 PM
the entire room is heated with the door closed. As heat rise's, the top shelf is at 80F and bottom being at 73F so I place the ones that prefer cooler temperatures lower etc.....

02-14-04, 06:21 PM
Very nice man! Where do you plan on putting my painting? :P


02-14-04, 08:47 PM
Most likely in my office as I just took down a wall aquarium that I had a P regalis in. Now I have an empty space there.
Can't wait to see it buddy.........heard many good things about it.

02-14-04, 09:26 PM
And for good reason, it is one of my best if not my best painting, IMHO.


02-15-04, 07:22 PM
Looks lovely, can't wait to see it for real! :D

02-15-04, 07:26 PM
What's this I hear about a painting Aidan? Care to share a pic of it at least? :D

02-15-04, 08:01 PM
No Vanan!!!!!!!!! It has to be a surprise for me. It will however but put on my website shortly after receiving it on the 22th. I will also have a special page made up for Aidan on my site.

02-15-04, 08:38 PM
LMAO! Ok ok, I shall not break the suspense and surprise. But you'd better show it to us when you get it. I'm really interested now! :D

02-15-04, 10:05 PM
Do not worry, you will all see it in good time. I'll tell you some inverts you can expect to see on it though if you want. Rob knows these but if the rest want it to be a surprise look away

Mexican Red-knee
red bark scorpion
desert hairy scorpion
cobalt blue tarantula
antilles pink toe tarantula
desert red headed centipede


02-15-04, 10:10 PM
Also I will be at the show most of the day around Rob just to get myself known amongst herpers and inverters as a painter and to support my friend Rob. I will answer anyones questions about my paintings, and maybe get a few more people interested in art and invertebrates! Hopefully people will see it as a statement rather than just some paint on a canvas.

Hope to see you all at the show!


02-16-04, 12:29 PM
Cool Aidan! Wish I could be at the show! :P

02-16-04, 04:34 PM
looks great.
Dragoon: try looking for tanks at walmart.

02-17-04, 02:32 PM
walmart=my enemy


02-27-04, 11:00 AM
Good stuff, keep it up. Maybe you should make a new post and put up a load full of pics of your collection.


03-01-04, 02:09 PM
looking good... at the PJ's pets near my house they sell 10 gallon tanks for $10..not sure if this is all the time, but quite frequently i go in and see a display of them for $10...at time they even have 20 gallons for $20...great price for a brand new tank.

03-04-04, 10:00 PM
nice **** u got going on:D
