View Full Version : Temp Gun

01-31-04, 11:30 AM
Sorry if this post is repetitive, but I know that lots of you use a temp gun for keeping track of temps and I'm thinking about getting one (currently I use those little round dials placed directly on the heat pad to determine the heat, but I was advised in another thread that they can be off by 5 degrees). Anyway, I'm assuming I would be able to get a temp gun at Wal-mart and in that case, where would I go looking for one (its a big store!). Hardware? Kitchen supplies? I.e., what is their usual purpose for those people purchasing them who are not herpers?

On a similar note, I read that someone purchased their aspen shavings at Wal-mart, but where did you find them? I looked at the pet supply section of my Wal-mart and all they had were cedar and pine.


01-31-04, 11:50 AM
I ues a GREENLEE THH-500 Heat gun,its an Infrared thermometer,you can find them in Heating and electrical supply stores,,they are not cheap either,spend the $$$ buy the good one the cheap ones suck.

01-31-04, 12:10 PM
I'm probably the one who you read was always getting aspen at Walmart. That sucks that they don't have it in your area. I guess each store has its own say in what they stock up on, but I've never had a problem finding it here.

01-31-04, 12:29 PM
i have a raytek st pro temp gun i have the 20 or the 30 forget which 1


these guns are not cheap but they are good.


01-31-04, 01:01 PM
Are these only available from the website, or are they available in stores?

01-31-04, 01:02 PM
One of the biggest makes is Raytek.
They have numerous models, but the best for accuracy and moderate price is the "mini temp food safety" At plus/minus 1 degree C has higher accuracy at the lower temps. Most are only plus/minus 2 degrees C, which is almost 4 F degrees, and as Jeff Favelle once said, you can guess closer than that. Most IR heat guns aren't as accurate as people think.
The Mini temp food safety model, looks the same as the MT4 but is a different color.(white) They run about 150 CDN. You can get them from industrial and food wholesalers. Got mine from Anderson Controls
Here's a link to the spec page on Rayteks site

01-31-04, 06:16 PM
Temp guns are fantastic - we use ours all the time but they are costly and are more worthwhile with a large collection. You are right that the little round dial thermometers are useless, but a good alternative that is moderately priced is the indoor/outdoor thermometers that are available at Home Depot type places (maybe walmart too - not sure). They cost about $15-$20 here and they give a digital readout of humidity and two temperatures (one where the device is placed and another one where the end of the probe is positioned. You can easily place the probe on a hot spot, or at one end of a tank and get a localized temp reading. Most have minimum and maximum recording as well that will tell you what the temp ranged through overnight. We have several of them and they might be something to consider instead of the gun,

mary v.

01-31-04, 08:44 PM
Thanks Mary - great idea (and more affordable. I'd rather spend my money on snakes!)