View Full Version : The "weirdest" thing that your reptile/aniamal has done...

01-30-04, 01:44 AM
Hey guys,

Whats the weirdest thing your pet has ever done?!?!?


01-30-04, 05:49 AM
my king snake tried to eat himself once, that was pretty weird
it was either that or suicide:confused:

01-30-04, 07:08 AM
my little chihuahua/rat terrier mix will continusly lick the inside of my other dogs eat (the dashhound/lhaso apso mix), and if we let her she would do it for hours.....lol

And if you point at my cat and say "you" in a stern voice she will kind of lower her head, squint her eyes and meow.

it's not really weird, but I had a pet duck that imprinted on me.
And he would follow me absolutely everywhere.
If I went somewhere, like up the stairs and he couldn't get to me, he would sit down there pacing back and forth the length of the stairs quacking hystericly until I came and picked him up.......

Then (because we are in city limits) we had to take him somewhere, to a place that had a fenced in pond and duck houses (dog houses). When I put him down in there and walked away it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, he ran for me and stuck his little head out the fence and started "crying" for me..........:( it still makes me cry to think about it....:( :(

01-30-04, 08:31 AM
The snake doesn't really do anything wierd, but my fiance's cat does. If you rub her on the right spot on her back, she will start licking her front legs. The cats legs, not my fiance's. ......I thought it was funny.

01-30-04, 09:05 AM
my dog is the WIERDEST animal of all time. She howls when she goes down stairs (she's suspicious of them i think) and she has collected a 'family' of stuffed animals. she carries them everywhere and brings at least one with her everywhere she goes. She even brinngs her 'babies' to her water/ food dishes and scratches them with her teeth when they are 'itchy'...lol...her favourite is a stuffed pig. she wanders around howling with her babies in her mough too...weirdo. :)

01-30-04, 10:10 AM
Who is "them"?

01-30-04, 11:04 AM
My cat cracks me up all the time. Once she was walking along the top of the staircase rails on the main floor of my old house and slipped, she fell all the way down to the basement...i thought she had killed herself but seconds after she comes upstairs, lays down on the sofa and falls asleep...i mean, damn! She felt off a pretty big height and went to sleep right after. I would've broken both my legs and arms.

She has also gotten stuck INSIDE one of my reclinable couches, i don't know how the hell she found her way inside the back of the couch but she did, it was quite funny because after noticing her absence i started looking for her, i only found her because the back of my couch had a big lump...LOL! And it "meowed" when i touched it...it was quite a cute scene.

Pets are great.

01-30-04, 12:58 PM
The weirdest thing was my Mexican Black Kingsnake trying to eat himself.

I walked into the room late one night and he saw me comign in and started striking at the cage with fury. I bent over to grab a cloth that is supposed to be on his cage to prevent this...and he got so excited at the movement he bit into his own tail and started swallowing it...yet while he was doing this I guess he thought something had a pieice of HIM and he was going in circles like CRAZY....I started getting a little freaked out as he had a couple inches of tail in his mouth and that crazed circling wasn't stopping....just as I grab a hook and the cage lid he was able to let go and relax...LOL.

We always keep a cloth over him now. He is just too self aggresive! LOL


01-30-04, 01:21 PM
my cays go absolutley insane for the stupidest reasons, theyll freak out over scissors, and things they didnt see when walking, and then notice them while standing over them and just jump in the air like 4 ft. they are crazy.

Farkus my BP used to climb the glass in her aquarium and fall ALL thetime, in the middle of the night i would hear a bump ever two minutes, but shestopped now, shes too fat.

01-30-04, 01:51 PM
It's not that wierd but i find it funny and can sit and do it forever. for some reason it makes me chuckle.

A few of my leos do this Lucky, Speedball, and Domino. When i have them out and their all nice and cozy i will start "rubbing" (petting whichever word you want to put there) them i'll slowly make my way to thier head (i don't want to startle them to fast) I will start to rub the side of their mouths and they do this VERY slow open mouth i'm gonna bite you, but i can't quite reach thing. Kinda like if you tried biting your ear right now. Go on try it, it's fun.(lol) It's quite hillarious to me.

Other than that the cat upstairs is COMPLETLY in control of the WHOLE entire house, even by boyfriend that hates most mammals. If you don't do exaclty what the cat wants he will give you an earfull!!! If he's standing at the gate leading in to the kitchen he will give one polite meow, but if you don't answer his call the first time, boy you'll never hear the end of it. And forget about water in the bowl, he has to have the bathroom sink water. He will stand in front of the bathroom door and "yell" until someone opens the door and turns on the sink, and your damned if you try to help him out. Btw the cat is somewhere around 13-14 years old.

01-30-04, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by marisa
I walked into the room late one night and he saw me comign in and started striking at the cage with fury. I bent over to grab a cloth that is supposed to be on his cage to prevent this...and he got so excited at the movement he bit into his own tail and started swallowing it...yet while he was doing this I guess he thought something had a pieice of HIM and he was going in circles like CRAZY....I started getting a little freaked out as he had a couple inches of tail in his mouth and that crazed circling wasn't stopping....just as I grab a hook and the cage lid he was able to let go and relax...LOL.

We always keep a cloth over him now. He is just too self aggresive! LOL


That is weird, but funny too. The image in my head is hilarious, like a snake tire going round and round.

01-30-04, 05:03 PM
i had a 4ft albino kingsnake get out of his enclosure, get out of a locked room, slither down 2 flights of stairs, open front door get outside and found a month later eating rats out of the breeding racks in my garage, a seperate building 20ft from my house

01-30-04, 09:17 PM
My kitten just stole a bar of soap from the bathtub and was eating it as fast as she could when I caught her.

She spent about 5 minutes afterwards licking her lips. I'm really dreading what it's going to do to the litterbox later.

01-30-04, 09:19 PM
LMAO!!!!!!! ha ha these are the funniest and weirdest storys theres gotta be more!!!!!!


01-30-04, 09:40 PM
When I first got my dogs, they hadn't quite gotten the hang of being well behaved indoor dogs (they'd only lived in a kennel before.) Stupidly, I trusted them on their own and went out for a few hours.
When I returned, it looked like a tornado had ripped through the appartment. All the cans from the recycling were pulled out of the cupboard and chewed up, and the garbage was thoroughly spread across the floor. There was an empty bag of potatoes (that HAD been full) and my female was frothing at the mouth. Then I realized that the male was nowhere to be seen. When I called him there was a series of thumps, then he came thundering out of the cupboard!!! He's been in there with the doors closed!! Not only that, but he was frothing at the mouth too...turns out they'd gotten into the laundry soap!!!

01-30-04, 09:50 PM
my 5 1/2 foot whitethroat monitor (varanus albigularus) grabbed an orange and ran around with it in his mouth biting it every few seconds.. I think the juices shocked him so he would scatter around more with it hissing but it looked as if he enjoyed it..... Just imagine a big aggressive lizard fascinated with an ORANGE!! hehe it was pretty funny to watch..

01-30-04, 09:56 PM
My dog Lucy has a habbit of karate chopping everything. It is kind of embarrassing when you go to the park and she chops other dogs - lol. I've even had dog owner ask questions about it. She doesn't mean any harm, she's just cute. Plus, she is only 10 pounds!

She also lays on the floor when she's really excited and happy and swims. She literally lays her tummy on the floor and does the breast stroke. She's the best, makes me laugh all the time.

Oh, she also likes to steal underwear out of the hamper when we have guests. She'll run right in front of everyone with them dangling out of her mouth. Even at dinner. Thats always nice - lol.

Gary D.
01-30-04, 11:51 PM
my Argentine Tegu wandered out of the bathroom that he's staying in at the moment, found his way down stairs, into the kitchen and sat waiting at his food bowl (this is not his usual feeding place, just the bowl) after finishing his snack he went straight back upstairs and to his favourite hiding place in the bathroom again.

01-31-04, 12:13 AM
Our dog Shaddow has seperation anxiaty. when ever we leave for a few hours we find stuff he's decided were treats and chewed on in the bedroom (he always takes treats to the bedroom). He's chewed through tin cans that were in the recycling bin in the cubboard. He answers to all the cats names too.

Our old dog, Lexx used to bring his food to katey when she was sick, took her a while to figure out what he was trying to accomplish

Weirdest thing our snakes have done is one escaped and turned up coiled up to the VINAGAR bottle. My guess is he was hungry (we use vinagar to clean the feeding containers between feedings).

01-31-04, 12:46 AM
Haha, my dogs(yellow and chocolate lab) used to be pro at retrieving those floating dummies out of the water when you throw them. We have taken them to competitions but always got like 4th place or something. Well one competition day, it was the dog before our's turn, and our dog was not on leash(none of the dogs were cause they were well behaved:D) and our dog ran out into the middle of the field between the water and the dog going for the dummy and took a dump right in the dogs path. He then went and brought the dummy back to another person across the pond. I was like OMG. People were laughing like crazy. My other dog(this pond(dugout) was like a field then in the middle a steep hill to the water) was going to be going to get it(the dummy) and so it was trown. He ran all the way to the top of the hill and took a dump and came back to us(without the dummy). The anouncer dude said we should try again. This was a competition between some of my dads coworkers and their friends so they gave us another chance. Anyways, we tried it again and amazingly, he had enough poo to do it again. he runs out to aproximately the same location(about 6ft away) and takes a dump and comes back to us. By this time people were laughing their @$$ off. Anyways, we never entered either into a competition again. Even at our acreage before entering one of the ponds or just after exiting the remaining one(chocolate lab, the yellow was put down due to bone cancer, his hip was bigger than my dads and my dad is not a small guy) still takes a dump. The yellow did a few times aswell. It was really strange.

01-31-04, 01:08 AM
my stupid siamese chocolate point cat plays with his own crap .
not very funny but weird .happened a couple of times since we have it .

The the weirdest is my ferret ... she like to steal my gf's bras. Its like she cant help it . We tried with all types of cloths but all she wants are the bras . She bring them to a hiding plays with them for some times then she falls asleep with it . Now the bras are all detroyed . She can open anything in the house , we tried locking the drawers with tape and she can still get throught .Very intelligent little creature and a lot of fun to keep :)

01-31-04, 01:15 AM
lmao omg thats so funny! these storys are killing me


01-31-04, 11:46 AM
My brother's dog (small mutt of about 10-15 pounds) is now about 15 but ever since she was a pup she has given a gift of socks to everyone who enters the house. As soon as the doorbell rings, she runs off to a bedroom, finds a pair of socks and when the visitor enters, she waits at the feet of the person, excitedly dancing around until they reach down and take the gift from her.

01-31-04, 07:03 PM
My Burm bet on Carolina in the Superbowl..I think she is nuts but you try explaining that New England has a better offence...snakes ..go figure

01-31-04, 07:06 PM
My Dog pretends to be asleep when you call her and she doesn't want to come...she lays down and closes her eyes and keeps them shut...no kidding when you walk towards her she closes them really fast and then opens her eyes when you leave..

01-31-04, 07:42 PM
when my burm was a baby she used to put her water dish on her head and bang it against the side of her enclosure....in the middle of the night..grrrrr....my boa has put herself in a headlock with her tail and then struggled to get out the more she struggled the harder her tail would hold on!:D.....my cat meows "hello" in a childlike voice...its kinda scary not funny...he usually does it in the morning standing at our the bedroom door...

02-01-04, 02:52 PM
hmmmmmmmmm. When I first saw this post, I never had anything really weird....until recently :o

- was observing my leopard gecko's, and noticed my male albino licking at his vent area. Thinking oh crap, he's got something wrong, I noticed some ummmm, fluid. HUH? He kept licking and I noticed.....wellll, I think you should be able to fill in that statement.

I think he has reached sexual maturity ;)

aside from that, my fish keep me laughing all the time.

- one of my large pleco's ( by large I mean an 11-12" common plec) will suck his way up the glass at feeding time, I slide open the lid and drop some flakes, he waits till the pigs have dispersed, and comes to the surface, swims belly up, sucker mouth pretty much out of the water, as I feed him flakes right in his mouth :)

- I've opened the lid to the fish tank before and forgotten about feeding.....sitting on the floor by the tank, reading......damn fish are so kind enough to splash, soaking me......to remind me to feed them.

I have many other fish stories :)

Chris ( aka bichiraddict)

02-03-04, 06:22 PM
I had a mouse that used to jump up and down wacking her head on the lid of the cage.


02-03-04, 06:45 PM
My mother's cat is deaf (can't hear). So everyonce in a while, she will jump in the air for no reason. And the funniest thing she does, is run after reflections either on water or reflection of a light on a wall or anything