View Full Version : Thinking about a Mangrove....

01-28-04, 07:02 PM
As the subject says, Im think of buying a baby/juev Mangrove. I found some care sheets but have a few other questions.

1. How well do they tame, usually? The two the guy have are pretty scared. As soon as he picked one up, he got a handfull of doodie :D. I havent asked the guy yet, but Im pretty sure they are'nt CB.

2. What is approx average cost one should expect to pay? He's selling them for $100/each. From what I've read so far thats pretty good.

3. Best substrate? Dirt I take it?

Damn, I knew there was another question or two I had but cant think right now :P...Ill add them If I remember..

Thanks In advance

01-28-04, 07:53 PM
although the odd one does become 'tame', mangroves are usually known to be pretty skittish captives. If you are after a monitor that is going to calm down, you are better off going for something captive bred and known to have a more even temperament. Most indicus are wild caught. Acanthurus are a good captive bred smaller monitor that is known to calm down, albigularis are good larger monitor available captive bred and known to calm down.

01-28-04, 08:36 PM
Yes, what DK said - he explained it pretty well there....
good luck,