View Full Version : Finding a good vet

09-02-02, 01:49 AM
I've dealt with vet's before, but always with a cat, or dog. But alot of vet's don;t have a clue when it comes to reptiles. So my question is this, how do you find a good vet that knows about reptiles, what kinda questions should you ask...etc

Any info to weed out an inferior vet would be appreciated.

PS not that I have any sick animals, I just want to know of a good vet, before I have that problem

09-02-02, 07:44 AM
IMO the best way to find a *good* herp vet is word of mouth.

Bryan Self
09-02-02, 11:27 AM
Here is a link. herp vet connection (http://www.herpvetconnection.com/)
Check here and then ask at your local herp store. If the person is on the list and given by the store you are probally ok.

09-02-02, 11:59 AM
Here's a link to the ARAV: http://www.arav.org/WorldMembers.htm


09-02-02, 03:09 PM
Thanks so much for the info

Bryan: I found a few vets near me I'll be contacting them pretty soon

Jaylyn: I tried your link, but when I click on the USA its a broken link... but thanks just the same...who knows it just might be down for maintence or something :)

Bryan Self
09-02-02, 04:28 PM
My problem with the ARAV is that all the vet need to do is pay a fee and they are on the list. With all the vets that clam to be reptile vets I prefer on the recomendation of others that have used them not there self serving interests.