View Full Version : Since we are on a pic frenzy

01-28-04, 12:38 AM
Ok, I figured it's over due on me putting up pics on some of my animals so here is a pic of both my Paleosuchus species. Both are males and both live in the same enclosure. These two guys are also 3-4' These pics were taken earlier in the summer.


01-28-04, 07:50 AM
Great pics nice looking animal..!


01-28-04, 10:40 AM
Man thows are sweet looking animals I never thaught I never thaught the 2 Paleosuchus Species could live together but they abviously look like they are thriving but aslo giving the fack thatbthat looks like a monster size pond so they probebly never realy see each other.

01-28-04, 06:19 PM
Yeah, the two have been living together for awhile.. Ever since I got them in fact. Im a fan of mixing species if given the chance, and being both species co-exists in the same types of environments then, why not? Not very many people agree with mixing species, but Ive never been one to listen, plus if it's working for me, Im not having anyone tell me different.
They haven't shown any aggression to each other, the pond is well planted and has diversions just to keep it this way. They are often side by side on any side of the pond or on land so it's working out fairly well. The pond itself is about 10'x16' ( un evenly rounded ) and is 1-3' deep. The land area ranges from about 3- 8' from the pond to the fence. It is well vegitated too, one of the only ponds I can keep the plant life alive during our summers.. I have pics of the pond on other rolls of film and once I get them developed, I'll post. Thanks,

01-28-04, 09:21 PM
Great looking animals Xain! I absolutely LOVE those creatures, but, I definitely do not have enough room for them. What are you feeding them right now?

01-29-04, 07:23 PM
These guys are eating anything I throw in there. Mice, rats, deer chunks, wild boar, turkey, rabbits, fish, commercial feed. Anything.
The game animals I feed were from seasonal hunts, which is a blessing or food may get exspensive. The only things I dont feed are meats from stores.
Here's another shot of the dwarf..


01-30-04, 02:13 PM
man they are amazing. keep up the good work.

The ReptiZone
Marc Doiron