View Full Version : I should really STOP buying....

01-27-04, 11:22 PM
Not to mention my cage space is practically non-existent! Another Dum...........



01-27-04, 11:27 PM
You SHOULD stop buying! Leave some snakes for the rest of us! ;)

That one looks pretty mature.... if that's a 4x2 cage.

01-27-04, 11:36 PM
Personally Jeff I'm glad you got into Dums. Now when the time comes that I might want a pair I already know where to go!
Thanks man,

01-27-04, 11:50 PM
LOL... well if cage space is really that much of a problem, jsut send 'em on over here! I always manage to find space someplace...lol :p

01-28-04, 12:05 AM
yeah.......great idea linds, jeff could buy us herps!

hey jeff, i want a woma

01-28-04, 12:40 AM
LOL... well if cage space is really that much of a problem, jsut send 'em on over here! I always manage to find space someplace...lol

Ha ha, yeah right. As if you guys have any room either. If I recall, you are all just as addicted as I am, LOL!! I think most of our actual "space" was gone a LONG time ago! Am I right? Ha ha...

Cranny, its is indeed a 4x2x1 cage. :D

01-28-04, 03:57 AM
Very nice Jeff!;) Dum fever?? hehehe

Where did you get all those dums??

01-28-04, 05:16 AM
Stav, froma friend of a friend. But I also have to get a pair from you this spring as well as a pair of Hogs. So put me on the list, ok bro? :D

01-28-04, 07:37 AM
This is serious... he's addicted now, the Dumerils are proof... wonder what the "gateway" boa was? Lot of kids get hooked on BCIs then end up on these weird morphs... it's sad, it just happens so fast

01-28-04, 08:18 AM
I hear ya. When the wife see's the final bill from my current USA order...I'll keep you posted.lol!

01-28-04, 09:11 AM
Pretty but unless you live in a v. hot country they porbs wont survive very long
i think u should get a cage cos then u can decorate it and make it look all PRETTYFULL
From a herp-loving fan

01-28-04, 09:14 AM
HerpHannah: lol! Your joking right?


01-28-04, 10:22 AM
How many's that now Jeff??? I think you need to slow down and let the rest of us catch up :D Good on ya though, congrats bro!

Herphannah: just curious, you said he should get a cage. Where do you think he's keeping them? On a leash in the backyard?

01-28-04, 01:33 PM
Not such a hot country today... maybe she's right, maybe you SHOULD put them in a cage

01-28-04, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by MouseKilla
Not such a hot country today... maybe she's right, maybe you SHOULD put them in a cage

This is good advice. My bp is getting a little tired of having to slither through snow drifts.......;)

01-28-04, 03:27 PM
I hate when I can't tell if someone is joking or not...

01-28-04, 07:40 PM
Stav, froma friend of a friend. But I also have to get a pair from you this spring as well as a pair of Hogs. So put me on the list, ok bro?

hehehe no problemo my friend;) Dont forget i'm not reproducing the dums this year but the hoggs are already on it;)


01-28-04, 08:24 PM
*LOL* Jeff, I'm going to have to come over there and help get some of those creatures off of your hands as I see that your addiction is getting the better of you. :D Awesome addition. :)

01-28-04, 08:27 PM
Ha ha Erin, I wouldn't want any other addiction! :D

Stav, keep me updated!

01-28-04, 08:34 PM
I want! Jeff why do you do this to us! You show us these beautiful pics of these snakes then it puts everyone else into a frenzy wanting one! Shame on you!!!!!! lol
We ALWAYS find "space" for herps. We Not to hard to find, if I have to put them over head lever just get a ladder! :)

01-30-04, 01:17 PM
I will Jeff;)


01-31-04, 01:56 AM
Jeff Jeff Jeff... WHAT are we going to do with you? :p I think you need counselling or something ;) Or better yet... you can just send some stuff to live over at my place... just temporarily and all *cough*... you know... while you're "recovering" :D :p