View Full Version : Very random question

01-27-04, 03:24 PM
I know snakes lack one "sens" ( dunno how to say in english) , you know vision, smell etc .... i cant remember what it is . Well my point really is does music bother snakes ? Meaning the volume .

01-27-04, 04:00 PM
They can definitely 'feel' music through vibrations in the floor, but whether it 'bothers' them is as good a question as any.

01-27-04, 04:02 PM
The sense they lack is hearing (they don't have ears). So as Mykee said, they would be able to feel vibrations but cannot actually hear the music.

01-27-04, 04:25 PM
would the loud vibrations scare them? Or is that just a question that cant really be answered...

01-27-04, 06:00 PM
I'd think the vibrations could scare them most defenitly. When I take the lid off the top of my tank it can make allot of noise, every time I make a loud noise when taking the lid off my snake dart it's head back in it's hide.

01-27-04, 06:20 PM
I'm sure the constant vibrations would stress your snake. Kinda like its hiding in a hole and a continuous herd of VERY large animals is trampling on it for a very long time. :)

01-27-04, 07:09 PM
Vengeance, you might be mistaking the sound of the lid coming off, with the vibrations that also occur when the lid is being taken off, hence the snakes reaction.

01-27-04, 07:56 PM
Yea, that's what I meant, i think :D Either way if it goes on quietly he doesn't jump but if I accidently knock it or it snaps down too hard he jumps.