View Full Version : My Vet Visit...

01-26-04, 08:02 PM
Well, I took my boa to the vet on Friday because she regurged a rat last Monday. I've only had her for two weeks, and I thought I might as well get her in for a check up.

Anyway, I had to give her a name at the Vet's office, so I told them her name was Trixie...LOL. Well, the vet checked her all out, and said everything was fine except that she was a little bit on the thin side. I wasn't able to take in a fecal sample because she hasn't left me anything yet. The vet told me the probable reason she regurged the rat was because it might have been too big. Also, he told me my enclosure probably was the problem. The set up he told me to use was an aquarium with a screen top with a heat lamp of 97-102 degrees on the basking side. I thought that was too hot, but he told me that is fine. Oh, well, I said, then I asked him how soon I can feed Trixie, and he told me anytime. I figured I should wait for at least two weeks or so. Keep in mind it was only 5 days after she regurged.

I'm just glad she's fine, and I'll take the fecal in when she does it for me. So far, she's still in her rubbermaid. I just wanted to get some feedback from you guys and gals on what you thought of this experience. Thanks.

01-26-04, 08:25 PM
I agree with you that it would be better to wait a couple of weeks before feeding to allow the digestive system to recover. Also, I think you will find that most people will advise against an aquarium and recommend a rubbermaid. A screen top does not keep in the humidity the way a rubbermaid lid would. Also, for digestion, belly heat is better than a heat lamp. Was this vet an exotic pet specialist or just a run of the mill vet?

01-27-04, 04:33 AM
I use an aquarium with a screen top for my boa. I also live in Southeast Louisiana, where humidity is not a problem. You could try taking an old shower curtain, cutting it up, and placing it on top the screen to keep the humidity in. Just keep it away from heat sources!

02-01-04, 04:07 PM
i recently learnt that humidity is not a major issue with boas anyway as they range from bone dry to jungle climates, two completely different humidity levels! i wouldnt worry to much about humidity

02-01-04, 04:07 PM
i agree with u that feeding her right away is to soon though

Grant vg
02-03-04, 05:00 PM
Wait atleast 2 weeks till you begin feeding again.
A Regurge is fairly harsh on there bodies.

Too big of prey and too cold /hot enclosures are the main reasons for regurging.
i wouldn't go higher then 90 degrees for the hot spot..and shoot for a 80-82 degree ambient.
I never had a problem with too low humidty keeping boas so 40-60% is fine. just give it a spray once or twice a day.

As well, Boas can live quite well in aquariums until they get large. So if you want to keep it healthy AND have the ability to display it nicely. make sure your temps and humidity are correct and you will not have a problem.

Goodluck with your next feeding!

Grant vg

02-03-04, 09:48 PM
i recently learnt that humidity is not a major issue with boas anyway as they range from bone dry to jungle climates, two completely different humidity levels! i wouldnt worry to much about humidity

You "learned" that or you "heard" someone say it and now take it as fact?

Two completely different things.