View Full Version : Taming ackie

01-26-04, 06:53 PM
Hello I got my ackie 3 weeks ago, it eats like a champ and is very active. When should I start to handle him(if I can catch him first!!). And does anyone know the minimum age to sex an ackie?

01-26-04, 11:34 PM
Glad to hear the ackie is doing great catch him and hold him all of mine are tame but fast movers make sure you don't drop the ackie or it will be gone lol they are so fast.

01-27-04, 06:41 AM
I wouldn't suggest you handle/restrain it at all if it is young. Not only is that stressful, but completely unnecessary and can cause injury to the monitor. As Ackies mature they do calm down natually (some exceptions with Reds, mine in particular ;)). Interact with your little guy, stick your hand in the cage and let it come to you. Most of my adult Ackies would quite readily jump up on my hand and sit on my arm.

Best wishes and have fun!
